Originally Posted by Hard Head
You will really start to feel the test around 6-7 weeks. I cheat and frontload so I feel it strong @ 2 weeks but hang in there.
I looked at your log and have some comments. Please don't feel offended but you are cheating yourself out of the best part of your cycle. Let's look at this for example:
1. Flat Barbbell Bench Press
2. Smith Machine - Decline Bench Press
315x2 (Needed Spot on Last Rep)
3. Incline Dumbbell Press
100x6 (Spot Assisted for Form) The strength was there to press them but getting them up and in place is a whole nother story, 100's are another ball game.
How do your shoulders feel? I must say that I NEVER use the Olympic bar to bench press with, it is way too hard on your shoulders and it allows you to cheat. Switch up to DB's , you will need to back up on the weight. Only use what you can press 10 times, then always increment upwards (5 or 10 pounds per side) get 10 more, then increment up and get 10 more. If you are working hard enough you won't be able to go up again and get 10 more reps. You will gain strength and size this way. If you can't get 10 + 10 + 10 start out lower in weight. If you only get 8 on the first set, stay with the same weight and get the 10 on the next set, then move up. Skip the ego set (In your case the 245x2) and move on th the next exercise. You should adopt this for every single set of every single body part and you will GROW and get a shitload stronger by doing it.
Man, forget that pyramid low rep crap, that is not your friend and is only for the posers. If once every 2 months or so you want an ego day like that to see how bad assed you are, go for it, if for nothing else than to shock your muscles, but believe me, at this stage of your game, use what will give you the most bang for your effort.
Use DB's instead of a flat (oly) bar as often as possible but I'm not saying not to use the flat bar at all. Here is what I recommend as an example of a decent bicep workout, done AFTER training chest. You can DB standing or inclined seated curls (don't swing the DB's) then go to the flat bar and nail a set of curls or 21's, then do a set of standing or seated hammers, then go to the cables or Preacher or concentrations. You can also superset the hammers in with the seated incline curls for a little more intensity or if you are running short on time. Tell me you don't get a good pump from a bi workout like that. You should be a sweating nasty mofo by the time you are 1/2 way done and by the end you should be ready to puke. No lie man, intensity and more reps (as outlined above) will do you way more good than ego lifting like you have been doing. I'm not here to dis you brother, only to help you out. Hit each body part with 5 or more exercises every time you train it. That is at least 15 sets x 10 reps per body part, and you only get 1/2 hour to get that done. Better get busy, you got alot of work to do in the next hour.....