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Thread: Deadlift007's HST augmentation

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    That's for me to know.

    Deadlift007's HST augmentation

    Anyone interested in changing up there routine might want to take a look at this.
    I lifted some when I was younger, but I considers myself new to this game, due to my previous lack of understanding. Since I started back 4 months ago, I began with destroying each body part, once per week. I didn't see many gains for 3 months.

    I went to the HST style workouts and am gaining like crazy. I don't follow the rules exactly because I didn't interpret them correctly to begin with.

    Here is what is working for me: As HST states, I work each body part 3 times per week, with 1 to 2 sets for a body part, sometimes 3 for calves. I ignored the the rep schemes and just try to stay in the 8 through 12 range, but each time I try to progress. Typically I will use this strategy; if I get 8 reps Monday, and then 9 Wednesday; I will get 10 on Friday, then 11 on Monday, and 12 on Wednesday, (if I don't get that extra rep, I try again next time. ) After all this, I will ad 5lbs on Friday which will drop my rep range, and begin to increase my reps till I can get 12, then add more weight and start a new.

    I'm not sure if anyone else trains like this, but it's the only way that has really helped me. I do plan on taking 1 or 2 weeks off after another month of this.

    I know my training knowledge is dismal compared to most bros on this site, and my body is no where near great, but you must keep in mind, I've only been at this 4 months, and have put on some great size, (compared to my starting size of course.)
    Ayone who has platued may want to give this a whirl.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Deadlift007 View Post
    Anyone interested in changing up there routine might want to take a look at this.
    I lifted some when I was younger, but I considers myself new to this game, due to my previous lack of understanding. Since I started back 4 months ago, I began with destroying each body part, once per week. I didn't see many gains for 3 months.

    I went to the HST style workouts and am gaining like crazy. I don't follow the rules exactly because I didn't interpret them correctly to begin with.

    Here is what is working for me: As HST states, I work each body part 3 times per week, with 1 to 2 sets for a body part, sometimes 3 for calves. I ignored the the rep schemes and just try to stay in the 8 through 12 range, but each time I try to progress. Typically I will use this strategy; if I get 8 reps Monday, and then 9 Wednesday; I will get 10 on Friday, then 11 on Monday, and 12 on Wednesday, (if I don't get that extra rep, I try again next time. ) After all this, I will ad 5lbs on Friday which will drop my rep range, and begin to increase my reps till I can get 12, then add more weight and start a new.

    I'm not sure if anyone else trains like this, but it's the only way that has really helped me. I do plan on taking 1 or 2 weeks off after another month of this.

    I know my training knowledge is dismal compared to most bros on this site, and my body is no where near great, but you must keep in mind, I've only been at this 4 months, and have put on some great size, (compared to my starting size of course.)
    Ayone who has platued may want to give this a whirl.
    its an excellent way of training i found the hst site 3 years ago and i used it for 18 months and made some good gains. i do a hybrid routine now where i train one bp per week but use the high to low reps and progressive load which is part of hst's principles. progressive load being the most important.

    its the best program for breaking through a plateu.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    That's for me to know.
    It's interesting how so many different types of training you can undergo until you find what is best for yourself. I would recomend the HST program to anyone who has plateued.

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