Here is something I'd like to point out.
People, it seems to me, are spending less and less productive time at the gym. For some reason people are getting more and more scared of overtraining. Anything more than 3 sets is frowned upon. Have you seen anyone doing real high reps? 20? 50? Hardly!
I dunno whether its the legacy of Mentzer and various other HIT proponents or the success of BBers like Yates. May be its that ppl have less time, but I am surprised that even on this forum, sposed to be hardcore, most are strongly in favoure of 2-3 workouts a week!
So whats happened to the training routines of the 70s? 80s? When BBers trained several times a day, all week round, spending hours upon hours doing endless sets and reps, albeit popping dbol in plenty
Some will claim that such trainnig is counter-productive and induces overtraining but look at the physiques of Arnie and his contemporaries. Personally, I find them much more attractive than the "overgrown" physique of today's BBers. Furthermore, I'd say that today's size is a product of developments in pharmacuticals rather than training methods.
I abandoned this "dont overtrain philosophy" 2 months ago and am now banging it out to failure 5-6 times a week.May be my 1rms have fallen but size gains are coming much faster than when I used to train 2-3 times a week concentrating on the basic lifts.
Whats everyobody's view on this?