Hey guys Im trying to burn some fat and get them muscles to pop out, Im 25 5'9 240. This is currently my work out schedule, I also do 15 min cardio before work out and 30 mins after,either on the bike,Tredmill or Elliptical machine, I rather elliptical less strain on my knees since I was in a accident but thats another story. I have never done a cycle of anything and not planning to,until I loose a couple more pounds and when it comes to supplements the only thing Im taking right now is Isopure with water right after my workouts, Just order some Lipoflame and Amp02. My diet is not the greatest but I try not to consume more than 2000-2500 calories a day. In between 4-5 meals.
So I just wanted to know if the way Im doing this is correct since I work out by myself and my friends don't work out properly they are weekend warriors.
I do 4 sets of each exercise and 15,12,10,8 reps.
Some suggestions would be gladly appreciated it and remember Im not a body builder I just wanna look good and feel good about myself.
Monday - Chest , Tricep & Abs
Barbell Bench Press
Incline Bench Press
Decline Bench Press
Incline Dumbell Flyes
Cable Crossovers
Flat EZ Bar Extensions
Cable Single Arm Extensions
V Bar Pushdowns
Rope Pushdowns
Seated Dumbbell Extensions
3 sets of 50,50,50 reps.
Leg Raises
3 sets of 25,25,25
Tuesday - Back & Bicep
Wide Grip Pulldowns
Reverse Grip Pulldowns
Seated Cable Rows
One Arm Barbell Rows
EZ Bar Preacher Curls
Barbell Curls With Wide Grip
Reverse Grip Barbell Curls
Hammer Curls
Dumbbell Concentration Curls
21 Wide Barbell Wide Grip
Wednesday Legs & Abs
Seated Calf Raises
Leg Press Machine Calf Press
Lying Leg Curls
Leg Extensions
Leg Presses
Machine Squats
Same as Monday
Thursday Shoulders&traps
Barbell Behind The Head Deltoid Presses
One Arm Front Cable Raises
Twisting Dumbbell Presses
Machine Deltoid Military Presses
Standing Low Cable Deltoid Raises
Barbell Upright Rows
Barbell Shrugs Behind The Back
Bicep , Triceps , abs
Sunday off