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Thread: Heart Rate & what I learned ...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    Heart Rate & what I learned ...

    Ok, hello peoples ... The questions I asked earlier needed clarification, (I think I needed to learn how to ask it properly) ... so please critique my education.

    While operating a stationary bicycle, your HR should be 60 - 70% of your Max HR, to get this number you take 220 bpm and subtract 1 number for each year of your life, then divide that number by .6 and .7

    My HR while doing cardio will be between 100 to 120 bpm for 15 mins 4 times per day, for 5 days, and alternating between low inten to moderate.

    Did I learn right??

    Oh yea, I'm currently attending a 6 week 'Cronic Pain Mgt Prog'
    I suppose this is the first step towards surgery. As Mr. Horse would say "No sir! I don't like it."

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2008

    More accurate testing.

    If you can get a heart rate monitor you can be a little more accurate. It is possible to buy one for around 30 dollars.

    Ride for a warm up period of 15 minutes than start to increase your work load you need to ride as hard as you can for 1 minute and take an 30 second recovery do this 5 times and on your sixth work period go as hard and long as you can. Right when you can no longer pedal and you feel like your heart is going to explode look at your heart rate and that is your max.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Now I have to refigure my formula ...
    I just learned that 1 pound of human fat = 3500 calories

    Got some more math do to, will report ... Getinfiter that looks like a fat burning exercise for sure yo, definately take it into consideration during my workouts (i seem to think clearer during my stat-bike ride)

    I believe that I really dont want to go near my max heart rate, cause thats when bad things happen, like stroke, funky chicken, tounge swallowing ... and the vibrating man whos foaming at the mouth ... hee hee hee (I am really just speculating) I just dont think it be wise to do so, I mean nobody wants to redline thier favorite sports car ...
    The 220 bpm comes from newborn humans, which is where the max hr comes form (I think - dont quote me on that one)

    The instructor (mine) has a unique approch which involves the 'befriending' the participant, and emoting - comming to their level, let them speak about 1 and only 1 incident, and then carry on with the lecture ... In return (we) the particpants respond with aboslutly truthfull answers to all (study) questions.

    But in the end, they are all friending us, becuase time is short - 5 weeks left now, very informative, I suggest everyone take it. - cronic pain mgt st. Joe's

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Yeah you do not need to do a max test. Just stay at or around 70 % of your max heart rate. You may be a little off from your true MHR, but you are not an elite level athlete doing lactate threshold training. The 220 minus your age, there are other scales out there people may throw at you but this one is good enough for 95% of the population.

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