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  1. #1
    repoman247's Avatar
    repoman247 is offline Junior Member
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    Weak / Lagging bodyparts

    Hi guys,
    Just looking for some advice on how to bring up lagging bodyparts.
    I'm 27, 2 cycles under my belt and have been training for a 5yrs.

    Im looking to compete next year, but my chest and traps are weak.
    I currently train 5 days per week:
    Mon Chest
    Tue Bi + Tri
    Wed Back
    Thur Delts
    Fri Legs

    Someone has recommended i train chest + traps twice per week - one light one heavy.....does anyoe have any recommendations on how i shud modify my training to improve my weak points?

    Thanks guys

  2. #2
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
    Ronnie Rowland is offline Author of Functional Training with a Fork
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    I would suggest alternating back and forth between once a week muscle group training and twice a week muscle group training. Do 12 sets during the once a week training phase and 6 sets per body part during the twice a week muscle training phase.

  3. #3
    FreeDOOM's Avatar
    FreeDOOM is offline Associate Member
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    If you want some awesome advice about competion and advanced training buy New Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding by arnold Schwarzenegger. He recommends training full body twice a week even for the beginners. As fars a weak point training for the chest you need to determine do you need more mass, upper lower inner or outer pecs and go from there. For instance if you say your upper pecs suck balls, You would do your incline bench and incline dumbell pressess before any other chest work out. Only when you are sure you taxed the shit out of them should you go on to the rest of the routine.

  4. #4
    green22's Avatar
    green22 is offline Senior Member
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    What I have found to work for me is use the lifts that I get the most soreness from. If something doesnt get me a pump or create soreness I eliminate it for the most part. You got to use what works best for "YOUR" body. That take times in some instances. For example, Pull-ups are a great movement for most, but I get no pump or soreness. In return I rarely do them. I use Deads and BB rows. Chest, I know bench presses are good for most, bbut they hurt my shoulders, so I favor inclines. Some folks will keep pounding out benches even if they get no results. I say if its not workin then find something that does. Good luck!!!!

  5. #5
    BIGMAC250's Avatar
    BIGMAC250 is offline Associate Member
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    i do traps twice a week too i do them with my shoulders and i do them with me need to get on the smith machine and pack on as much weight as you can handle for 10,15 or 20 reps......for 3 or 4 sets.....but then superset them with dumbell shrugs again go as heavy as you can for 15 to 20 reps.....thats what i do and i have seen good results with it....sometimes when i do the dumbell shrugs when i get to the 10th rep i will let the weight hang there and tilt my head to each side to feel it stetch a lil bit just be careful...i have left the gym on occasions with my neck a little stiff from over doing far as chest goes i was talking to someone last night ans he was telling me to do 2 warm up sets of 10 then do your normal sets and then when your done just get a weight that you can do 20 plus tims and burrn out on it...he sid you feel the pump big gonna give it a shot.....he went into more detail about it but thats all i remember
    Last edited by BIGMAC250; 05-31-2008 at 06:18 PM.

  6. #6
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
    Ronnie Rowland is offline Author of Functional Training with a Fork
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    Quote Originally Posted by green22 View Post
    What I have found to work for me is use the lifts that I get the most soreness from. If something doesnt get me a pump or create soreness I eliminate it for the most part. You got to use what works best for "YOUR" body. That take times in some instances. For example, Pull-ups are a great movement for most, but I get no pump or soreness. In return I rarely do them. I use Deads and BB rows. Chest, I know bench presses are good for most, bbut they hurt my shoulders, so I favor inclines. Some folks will keep pounding out benches even if they get no results. I say if its not workin then find something that does. Good luck!!!!
    Good advice!

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