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  1. #1
    KnowledgeIsPower is offline New Member
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    Weight training to Cardio?

    After my resistance training routine I typically do a small abs workout followed by 15-25 min of high intensity intervals on the treadmill. Looking for advice as to if cardio directly after weight training is as effective as doing them seperatly. and also if im defeating my cardio by following it with a 40gram protein shake?

    My goals are to gain mass and cut bf%(but who's arent?)

    Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    uncgboro's Avatar
    uncgboro is offline Associate Member
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    IMO, you should separate cardio and weight training.

  3. #3
    soulstealer's Avatar
    soulstealer is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by uncgboro View Post
    IMO, you should separate cardio and weight training.
    In an ideal world yes you should do cardio abuot 8-12 hours before you do weights IE cardio at 7am weights at 5pm.... but second to this the most efficient way to do both would entire depend on your goals... if your looking to get cut then weight training before cardio 5x's a week and then HIIT 2x's a week and Steady state 3 times a week if your natty is an excellent approach but you have remember 2 things...

    1. Cardio has the same effect as weight training in relation to nutrient absorption through insulin sensitivity up regulation.....

    2. HIIT taxes your muscles in a similar way that weight training does.... so dont do HIIT after legs or heavy dead lifts.... or anything thats insanely taxing on your quads/posterior chain.....

    Also the body NEEDS carbs/protein PWO for replenishment of glycogen and muscular repair ideally it should be a fast acting carb but I've been doing blended oatmeal/whey shakes as I am dieting and I find this give me the best results...

  4. #4
    Deltasaurus's Avatar
    Deltasaurus is offline The Over Analyzing Nattabolic
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    i think your good as long as your doig aerobic cardio primary fuel source being fat if you go to hard id say higher then 70% max HR ur body will use glycogen if you dont have it your body will catabolize and take it of your muscle's,so id have a High GI protein shake 10 mins b4 cardio after weights then train 30-45mins at 65-70% of mak HR that what seems to be working for me but everyones different

  5. #5
    soulstealer's Avatar
    soulstealer is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by A2thej2008 View Post
    i think your good as long as your doig aerobic cardio primary fuel source being fat if you go to hard id say higher then 70% max HR ur body will use glycogen if you dont have it your body will catabolize and take it of your muscle's,so id have a High GI protein shake 10 mins b4 cardio after weights then train 30-45mins at 65-70% of mak HR that what seems to be working for me but everyones different
    That makes no good goddamn sense so your saying to burn fat efficiently you want a huge insulin spike and to completely refill your glycogen stores before super low intensity cardio? you are aware the the sugar in your shake is reversing the fat burning effect of the cardio and insulin just completely punches lypolosis(sp) in the face and stops it.....

    Ok the reason for the HIIT is a natural person on a diet has hormonal down regulation of thyroid hormone and growth hormone all the goodies that stimulate lypolosis (sp)..... and cause muscular growth... which is one reason we refeed on a low carbohydrate diet... HIIT is known to produce huge hormonal responses causing your body to release a ton of GH and increase thyroid hormone production couple this with some low intensity fat burning cardio and you get the best of both words but make sure you PWO shake is just that PWO after the cardio or you will be going 3 steps forward and 2 steps back..... remember you cutting here...

  6. #6
    Ajc330's Avatar
    Ajc330 is offline Senior Member
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    i think he is saying that if you do cardio after weights and you are going70% max hr you will burn muscle if there is no glycogen stores left, so he is suggesting to train, then take a shake, then wait 10 mins and do the cardio so you got some glycogen stores, correct me if im wrong A2theJ

  7. #7
    Ajc330's Avatar
    Ajc330 is offline Senior Member
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    I think you are just overthinking it, cardio is cardio, just do it and burn the calories, you can do it any time of the day, just make sure your diet is on track

  8. #8
    soulstealer's Avatar
    soulstealer is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ajc330 View Post
    i think he is saying that if you do cardio after weights and you are going70% max hr you will burn muscle if there is no glycogen stores left, so he is suggesting to train, then take a shake, then wait 10 mins and do the cardio so you got some glycogen stores, correct me if im wrong A2theJ
    I know what he was saying I was just being a jerk... was having a bad day... but my point was the taking a shake between is very counter productive the insulin will prevent fat burn you'll just be burning off your shake.... unless its just whey or bcaa's...

  9. #9
    bmit is offline Member
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    do my weights, then 22g protein whey shake, then cardio for 25-30 minutes, then pwo shake of 60g dextrose and 33g whey. did some research and this seems to be the optimal method of combining cardio and weights in same session. any other opinions?

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