So here is the deal, I have noticed that lately I do not feel any pain day or two after my biceps workout. I am not sure if I should be feeling it, but that's how I knew whatever I did actually worked because I can feel it day or two after the workout. Well, this seems to be gone.

Example of last days here for my biceps:

June 2nd
After 8 sets of wide grip lat pulls and 4 sets of heavy T-bars I did this

Standing barbell curls
85x6:65x4 drop set

That felt pretty good as I just switched to barbell curls again. Thing is, next day... nothing... So another day comes, nothing again.. feels like I am ready for another workout! So I did it! This time I wanted to hit it harder!

June 5th
Barbell curls
65x10 med grip
65x10 close grip
85x8 med
85x8 close
105x8 med
105x6 close
95x8 med
95x8 close
85x8 med
85x7 close
65x8 close

I kept track of the time in between so the rest between sets was exactly 1 minute and 15 seconds.

Workout felt really good! My arms were pumped and I could barely move any decent weight after that.

So here I am today, expecting to feel my arms.. well.. not so much. I felt I did something, but it feels like I didn't do enough of it.

What my plan is, next time I will try to go heavier on most sets. Will see if that works. Maybe go heavy as hell and sacrifice the form? Do some cheaters mixed in the routine?

I am open to any suggestions and comments on this.