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Thread: Faster metabolisme by training twice a day

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Thumbs up Faster metabolisme by training twice a day

    Hi guys i am back in training and have around 20 pounds of fat to lose.

    Diet is good eating from 6 to 8 times a day small meals.

    Last week i started splitting my muscles to keep my total workout around 30 minutes each time.

    On day 1 i do chest in the morning 12 sets and back on the evening 12 sets again

    Day 2 i do legs for 12 sets and biceps for 6 sets in the morning and delts 10 sets triceps 6 sets in the evening.

    I train 4 times a week Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday taking Wednesday and weekends off.

    I do cardio on my off days and i take my bike to go to work which is 30 minutes from my house.

    At night i go for a walk usually one hour.

    Stats 5 feet 10 inches

    weight 200 pounds

    bf% 15-18% not sure

    Age 36 getting back in shape.
    Last edited by yannick35; 06-15-2008 at 06:40 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Your better of not doing the same body part twice in a day. Also you stimulate your metabolism more with cardio than you do with weights. Why not do cardio in the morning and weights at night. You take advantage of two periods a physiological after burn by exercising twice a day.

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