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Thread: Personal Trainer Certification

  1. #1

    Personal Trainer Certification

    Ive been looking into becoming a civilian personal trainer but there are 1000 different certifiers. Ive narrowed it down to the IFPA or NASM. Anyone have any experience, or anyone heard good or bad things?
    Last edited by RoadToRecovery; 03-23-2010 at 09:10 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Wish I could help, but I am also interested.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    in the kitchen
    I'm training through NASM right now. The shit is detailed. Its on the expensive side; however, every gym that I talked to said they accept NASM as the best to get, meaning they always hire that person over another. Lifestyles, golds, p fitness and ballys are the gyms i visited.


  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Tryin to get Abs
    im going with nesta costs alot less and same accreditted just the same all gyms also take nesta

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2007
    I just got certified by ACSM HFI last week and all I can say is that test is no joke! If I were you I would go with NASM. Either way make sure you know your stuff, they try to trick you around every corner and I have bad ADD.

  6. #6
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    Sep 2004
    Ive gone through most of the NASM and really enjoyed it. im not cert. yet, still waiting on my job to pay for it.

    Im currently ace cert which insnt that hard.

  7. #7
    All great replys, as far is as the cost goes... Its being paid 100% by the US military.

    Gotta love Tuition Assistance.

  8. #8
    While Im looking for the PT cert... im also looking for a nutritionist cert as well

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Central Texas
    NSCA is the best fitness certification. their CSCS is the gold standard for strength and condition coaches. it also has a 70% failure rate because it is the hardest.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by swol_je View Post
    NSCA is the best fitness certification. their CSCS is the gold standard for strength and condition coaches. it also has a 70% failure rate because it is the hardest.
    God damn... Im not lookin for the Navy Seals of Certification, just something thats widely accepted.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Central Texas
    I would just go with either the NASM or ACE. ACE is one of the easiest that certs that is widely accepted. there is also one called NETA which is pretty easy too.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by swol_je View Post
    I would just go with either the NASM or ACE. ACE is one of the easiest that certs that is widely accepted. there is also one called NETA which is pretty easy too.
    Lol now you got me all interested to try out the NSCA...

    What about it is so hard? What about it is better than NASM?

    Does anyone know a good Nutritionist Certifier?

  13. #13
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    May 2007
    The CSCS can only be taken if you have a four year degree in a health related field, the ACSM HFI test is the same way. I am taking my CSCS the end of July and as for a Nutrition Certification I would recommend ISSN.

    You can look at sample questions on the CSCS website. The ACSM HFI I just took was hard due to the fact that it had clinical testing plus everything that goes into a normal CPT test.

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by HowIdo View Post
    The CSCS can only be taken if you have a four year degree in a health related field, the ACSM HFI test is the same way. I am taking my CSCS the end of July and as for a Nutrition Certification I would recommend ISSN.

    You can look at sample questions on the CSCS website. The ACSM HFI I just took was hard due to the fact that it had clinical testing plus everything that goes into a normal CPT test.
    Well that makes sense why its so tough... So it looks as if the NASM is the way im going to go.

  15. #15
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    that why im finishing up my exercise science degree next may. people with the CSCS are very highly sought after. HOWIDO, I hope youve been studying. why dont you let me get those study material when your done. it around 400 bucks, plus another 375 just to sit for the exam.

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by swol_je View Post
    that why im finishing up my exercise science degree next may. people with the CSCS are very highly sought after. HOWIDO, I hope youve been studying. why dont you let me get those study material when your done. it around 400 bucks, plus another 375 just to sit for the exam.
    Well, i guess ill get the NASM... im too old for school now.

  17. #17
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    seriously id wait on the nutrtionist thing, it really dosent do anything if your wanting to work with clients. I do all my clients nutrtion and even though im not legally supposed to as a pt'er, all of us still do if were comfortable, and if the client wants it. for me at this point it would be a waste of $$$

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by MFT81 View Post
    seriously id wait on the nutrtionist thing, it really dosent do anything if your wanting to work with clients. I do all my clients nutrtion and even though im not legally supposed to as a pt'er, all of us still do if were comfortable, and if the client wants it. for me at this point it would be a waste of $$$
    Well, Im actually looking into a home based gym PT. Ya know what, lemme run this by you guys and you tell me what you think about this idea.

    Instead of being a PT at a club, I was thinking about getting a Business loan and building a little studio in my back yard where people can come and work out with the comfort of the idea that its completely private. Pretty much a gym to themselves. Id have a small cardio section, along with a few freeweights and machines. And id of course have an office, and a kitchen in there. THis is where I would teach them how to cook and live a healthy lifestyle and shit. Thats where the nutritionist cert would come in. I have a slightly more intricate idea of what i want but thats basically the gist.

    Like I said before, this is all going to be paid for by the navy so money isnt my concern.

  19. #19
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    I actually do inhouse personal training. which means I travel to my clients house and work them out in private. I lost some clients due to me not working at the gym anymore, but the ones that have there own gym are wealthy enough to afford me. U just have to get insurance, which is about 50 bucks a months and your good to go. Alot a women actually prefer to workout in private. Most of your clients will be rich, stay at home moms. that what I have marketed my services at. Im a full time college student that works maybe 20hours aweek and there is alot of money in the fitness industry right now. Business is booming.

  20. #20
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    look up AANC. they are one of the best nutritional certs

  21. #21
    Dont the ACSM do a decent qualification or is it more sports science based?

  22. #22
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    acsm is good, thats all the books we use in my ex sci. classes

  23. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by swol_je View Post
    acsm is good, thats all the books we use in my ex sci. classes
    so what do you think Swol... NASM?

  24. #24
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    It depends on what your current knowledge is. I dont know about the NASM cuz i havent looked into it, maybe someone on here is certified by them, I can tell you that ACE is not to bad and usually is what I tell people to start with and its also not too expensive, but like i said, I have no knowledge of how much NASM is and how much their study materials are. U def. want to get a textbook, practice tests and just basic study materials. The DVDs helped me just cuz reading is so boring. Make sure you know all of the scientific name for alot of stuff. they dont use normal jargon on tests.

  25. #25
    I train now for the military
    Last edited by RoadToRecovery; 03-23-2010 at 10:00 AM.

  26. #26
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    I know u can go to NSCA's website and take a sample test.

  27. #27
    Well I just stumbled across a very informative website.


    It lists a number of certifiers such as NSCA,NASM and the rest we were talking about.

    NSCA does not require a bachelors like previously stated, but it does concur that it is one of the toughest and most sought after qualification.

    It also states that an NSCA certified PT is qualified to also work with people with special needs. (Obese People, Pregnant woman etc)

    NASM definitely sounds promising... however im going to look into the others it lists and ill post some more info for you guys.
    Last edited by RoadToRecovery; 06-25-2008 at 07:34 PM.

  28. #28
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    NSCA-CPT does not require a ex. degree. but in order to get the NSCA-CSCS u have to have a degree in the ex. field.

  29. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by swol_je View Post
    NSCA-CPT does not require a ex. degree. but in order to get the NSCA-CSCS u have to have a degree in the ex. field.
    Ah... I see the difference.

  30. #30
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    I have a degree in Exercise Science and already took the ACSM HFI test which is not easy by any means. The clinical part of it is nothing to mess with. One of my friends who has also taken the ACSM HFI test just got done taking the CSCS and said it was a little bit harder. I graduated 2 years ago so I still remember a lot of the stuff I learned in college so im thinking about 2-3 wks of studying for the CSCS. I only studied one week for the ACSM HFI, but I barely passed and should have studied a lot more.

    Also, just for a heads up, if you google CSCS study questions you can find a ton of free practice questions. I have been trying to answer these and find myself around a 60%-40% right/wrong breakdown with only glancing over the study materials.

    When im finished taking the exam I will let you know, I could probably hook you up with the study books for pretty cheap. I will let you guys know how I do and what to expect.

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by RoadToRecovery View Post
    Well, Im actually looking into a home based gym PT. Ya know what, lemme run this by you guys and you tell me what you think about this idea.

    Instead of being a PT at a club, I was thinking about getting a Business loan and building a little studio in my back yard where people can come and work out with the comfort of the idea that its completely private. Pretty much a gym to themselves. Id have a small cardio section, along with a few freeweights and machines. And id of course have an office, and a kitchen in there. THis is where I would teach them how to cook and live a healthy lifestyle and shit. Thats where the nutritionist cert would come in. I have a slightly more intricate idea of what i want but thats basically the gist.

    Like I said before, this is all going to be paid for by the navy so money isnt my concern.
    I would at least wait on building a studio, you really dont need alot of equipment to train people at there home, and thats what most would prefer, plus you'd prob have to pay extra to insure your studio..

    The diet stuff, once again, do it at the clients home, but im telling you, if you sport an athletic physique you could tell people to eat cat food and thed belive you, so dont spend $ on the nutrion cert......

    I really sound like im pissing on your ideas, and if you think/want to have a studio worse case senario, youlll have your own place to workout....... not a big deal.

    Congrats dude, you know how many people work shitty ass jobs for little pay. if you play your cards right, the ideas you have you;'ll blow up. im limited to a health club and there are opertunitys here EVERY DAY to make more $ I could imagine what is outside these walls....


  32. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by MFT81 View Post
    I would at least wait on building a studio, you really dont need alot of equipment to train people at there home, and thats what most would prefer, plus you'd prob have to pay extra to insure your studio..

    The diet stuff, once again, do it at the clients home, but im telling you, if you sport an athletic physique you could tell people to eat cat food and thed belive you, so dont spend $ on the nutrion cert......

    I really sound like im pissing on your ideas, and if you think/want to have a studio worse case senario, youlll have your own place to workout....... not a big deal.

    Congrats dude, you know how many people work shitty ass jobs for little pay. if you play your cards right, the ideas you have you;'ll blow up. im limited to a health club and there are opertunitys here EVERY DAY to make more $ I could imagine what is outside these walls....

    Naah i dont take it as you pissing on my ideas at all... I consider it strictly constructive criticism. Its clear you are looking out for my better interests. Its not like you just said - "thats a dumb idea" and ended your post lol. Like i said, its only an idea. But I am just looking to do something a little different ya know? Original... throw my own twist into the world of fitness.
    Last edited by RoadToRecovery; 06-27-2008 at 08:32 PM.

  33. #33
    Join Date
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    by the beach
    ACE is also well known by many gyms

  34. #34
    A little update, I'm ordering my nasm course next week =]

  35. #35
    Join Date
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    Im ISSA certified, its the most credible place to go.

  36. #36
    Join Date
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    NASM is a good one.. If you already have a gym in mind in which u want to work at then go talk to them and see what they accept. If money is an issue then just go for the cheapest one just to get your foot in the door.

  37. #37
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    NASM or ACSM. If i were you I would get a ACSM one though

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