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Thread: Need some serious advise on how to stretch my hamstrings

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Need some SERIOUS advise on how to stretch my hamstrings

    I think I must have the tightest f#!%ing hamstrings in the world !!

    Can you guys tell me what would be some good stretch routines and exercises to stretch them ??

    I want to go heavier on my squats and deadlifts but often feel I lose form and stability due to them.

    To make things worse it feels like the heavier I go on these exercises the tighter they get ... so Im in a catch 22

    I'm a 6ft ectomorph with pretty long limbs and it seems like my hamstrings have always been tight even as a kid - used to fail the damn "Sit and Reach"
    Last edited by *Thiago*; 06-21-2008 at 07:03 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Anyone ??

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Try some straight legged dead lifts.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    in the kitchen
    Quote Originally Posted by ottomaddox View Post
    Try some straight legged dead lifts.
    Yes! these help tremendously with putting size on ur hams and stretching them out. To get an even better stretch stand on a stepping box and do them. Causes the weight to go down further causing your hams to stretch.


  5. #5
    Join Date
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    in the kitchen
    Make sure they are semi-straight leg deads. You dont wanna lock your knees. Cuts off circulation and puts way too much unnecessary pressure on ur knee joint.


  6. #6
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    What sort of weight and tempo should I use for these, my main goal is just to gain the most flexibility at first ...

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    In the prone
    Try a basic hamstring stretch, either by standing or sitting. Those guys gave you good advice for an exercise but I stretch 15min before and after I exercise. Make sure you hold the stretch though like 10 or 15 count and to keep your head above heart so you want pass out

  8. #8
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    Take yoga once a week.

  9. #9
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    ya rdl's and good mournings stretch every day when u wake up and go 2 bed also on eastbay or track web sites they have these things that look like dough rollers they are for "rubbing out" cramps and it wont make you more flexible but it will warm those hams up and it feels mazing on sore hams alot like rubbing out another body part

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by FortKnox36 View Post
    Make sure they are semi-straight leg deads. You dont wanna lock your knees. Cuts off circulation and puts way too much unnecessary pressure on ur knee joint.

    Very good advice. I see so many people keeping there knees completey locked, if you just let them bend a little you can really feel it.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Determined_Fuk View Post
    What sort of weight and tempo should I use for these, my main goal is just to gain the most flexibility at first ...
    Start light and go slow, see how they feel, and get your form down before you start stacking on weight.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by highlighthits View Post
    ya rdl's and good mournings stretch every day when u wake up and go 2 bed also on eastbay or track web sites they have these things that look like dough rollers they are for "rubbing out" cramps and it wont make you more flexible but it will warm those hams up and it feels mazing on sore hams alot like rubbing out another body part
    your refering to a "body stick" or perhaps a foam roller, They actually do increase flexibility and help with recovery, I was going to mention this before when this thread got posted so here it goes.....

    Using a foam roller, or a body stick is a form of massage called Myofascial Release, As alot of us know our muscles are covered with a tough outer "skin" called fascia. as we age tiny fibers called collagen cross fibers weave in to the fascia and cause inflexability. You can actually roll out these fibers using a body stick or foam roller which cause these crossfibers to break up which will

    #1. increase range of motion/flexability

    #2. Help increase bloodflow which aids in performance and recovery

    #3. loosen up the fascia to allow room for new muscle to grow.

    An often unknown or overlooked part of flexability is myo-release. I use it on several of my clients due to the fact that there so tight we cant get a good range of motion during exercises. Deff recommend it alot!!

  13. #13
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    Jay Cutler, and Ronnie Coleman do a similar form of this through deep tissue massage to loosen the fascia to allow more growth.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by FortKnox36 View Post
    Yes! these help tremendously with putting size on ur hams and stretching them out. To get an even better stretch stand on a stepping box and do them. Causes the weight to go down further causing your hams to stretch.


    Not needed if the back starts to round, YOU MUST keep a natural arch and keep your chest elevated or you'll risk injury in the spinal column. I have never seen anyone short enough to do an RDL or SLD where they could maintain correct posture and still needed to stand on a platform.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by test_cyp View Post
    Take yoga once a week.

    Best Advice so far........

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFT81 View Post
    Not needed if the back starts to round, YOU MUST keep a natural arch and keep your chest elevated or you'll risk injury in the spinal column. I have never seen anyone short enough to do an RDL or SLD where they could maintain correct posture and still needed to stand on a platform.
    I'm 5'6"... I do SLDLs (straight leg.. not just stiff leg) on a 6" platform.. lowering to my instep on each rep.

    My back does not round over...and i use a shitload of weight where possible.

    I've always pushed the range of motion on this and other exercises to maintain a high level of flexibility.

    Hip, hamstring, and shoulder flexibility training should be a conscious part of every trainee's program.


  17. #17
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    Been there, yoga or pilates is a good option. Static stretching POST workout is also a good idea.

    Just remember though, you dont want your hams too flexible as this could casueyou to loose stability and rebound strength.

  18. #18
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    Training Hardcore Style
    How about good mornings? Those stretch mine out more than the others.

  19. #19
    stretch good every morning, before and after your workout, and maybe even before bed. its a pain in the a$$ but it helped me, i used to flunk the sit and reach and i can now pass my toes. just do basic stretches and hold for 15-20 seconds, do each leg like 3 times, do 3 or 4 stretches. massages help too, find a local rub-n-tug for the best deal.

  20. #20
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    Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation.

    If you practice PNF stretching you will be doing the splits in a couple of months. It is the best method there is. Look for a book by Thomas Kurz called Stretching Scientifically. I guarantee if you follow the method you can be as flexible as you like.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by SmittyTheOX View Post
    Just remember though, you dont want your hams too flexible as this could casueyou to loose stability and rebound strength.
    That's a non-issue for most trainees... as most never take flexibility serious enough.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Determined_Fuk View Post
    I think I must have the tightest f#!%ing hamstrings in the world !!

    Can you guys tell me what would be some good stretch routines and exercises to stretch them ??

    I want to go heavier on my squats and deadlifts but often feel I lose form and stability due to them.

    To make things worse it feels like the heavier I go on these exercises the tighter they get ... so Im in a catch 22

    I'm a 6ft ectomorph with pretty long limbs and it seems like my hamstrings have always been tight even as a kid - used to fail the damn "Sit and
    I feel you brother! My hamstrings are the same way, I try to stretch the hell out of them but it don't seem to help me much, I have good flexibility everywhere else. Mine are so tight that when I do SLD's I can only take the bar to about mid shin without rounding my back. My boy makes fun of me, his fat ass can stand on a block and touch his palm's to the floor. LOL

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by *Narkissos* View Post
    I'm 5'6"... I do SLDLs (straight leg.. not just stiff leg) on a 6" platform.. lowering to my instep on each rep.

    My back does not round over...and i use a shitload of weight where possible.

    I've always pushed the range of motion on this and other exercises to maintain a high level of flexibility.

    Hip, hamstring, and shoulder flexibility training should be a conscious part of every trainee's program.


    Well, there you have it. I stand corrected.

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