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Thread: ever had a workout that was so intense that..

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Question ever had a workout that was so intense that..

    well tonight was legs and did 16 sets. it was by far the most intense workout i have ever had. i came home and if i knew i didnt have to eat i would be in bed right now. im so drained that i dont even feel like moving lol. i mean its good but at the same time can training be too intense?? just curious if anyone else has felt like this. i know i didnt some major job on my cns.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by ******32 View Post
    well tonight was legs and did 16 sets. it was by far the most intense workout i have ever had. i came home and if i knew i didnt have to eat i would be in bed right now. im so drained that i dont even feel like moving lol. i mean its good but at the same time can training be too intense?? just curious if anyone else has felt like this. i know i didnt some major job on my cns.
    Welcome to LEG TRAINING...LOL..

    Yes, that can happen...Training legs is not fun but it makes your whole body grow..Keep your work sets to around 10-12 for quads and then do what's needed for hams. 16 intense work sets fort quads is not that bad but I feel you are over-doing it just a tad. Try 12 sets instead! Also, take your time between sets. Moving too fast between sets will destroy the CNS, especially when training legs!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Last week i did my heavy sets followed by light weight high rep full squats and holy $hit ! I feel your pain.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    I ate too close to doing squats last week and puked after my 4th set. Blehhhhhhhhhhh.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    I had one legs day were I went heavy on every thing, I was walking around like a penguin. I get home walk up 5 stairs go to my kitchen to drink a shake, then on the way back down the first step down *whooosh my knee gave out and I go falling all the way to the bottom.

    I felt like that lady in the lifeAlert commercial (clicky).

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2004
    I just got in from legs a couple hours ago... and i've been sitting here since.

    No energy for even a bath.

    Will be up in a bit to down my ppwo meal...and attempt that bath shit.

    I know what you're feeling lol.

    I remember during some contest preps with the extended set protocols... at the end of each set i'd see little white spots floating around my head...and i'd end up next to the rack on my back staring off into space.. not focusing on anything.

    ..only to get up and do it over and over again.

    When i got home i'd be of little use to anyone.. Myself inclusive lol

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    if your legs are a weak body part shouldn`t you train them like that twice a week ?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by patrick1 View Post
    if your legs are a weak body part shouldn`t you train them like that twice a week ?
    not necessarily, if ya busting ass on legs I dont see how you possibly could. But everyone has differnt recovery times. takes 5-6 days for me after legs.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    you maybe right !!
    I find my bodyparts recover after 3 days but i need a day off from training now and then.
    i am starting to look at my training again, volume of sets etc
    maybe split body into 3 workouts instead of 2
    its getting a bit long only split into 2 workouts.
    1 for legs and chest and abs
    the rest on the other routine

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    No place important
    Man it takes a full week for me to recover from legs. I really kill legs though. If I'm not gettin 20-24 heavy sets for a full leg workout then I get nothin out of my routine. Legs can take a lot of sets and punishment. They need lots of sets to make them grow. They are a large muscle group with lots of fibers. Don't let those legs atrophy with a few miniscule sets.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    San Diego, CA
    im very sorry, i an very new to this but in one post near the top Ronnie Roland mentioned that "you will destroy your CNS" what is CNS??

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    central nervous system.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by patrick1 View Post
    if your legs are a weak body part shouldn`t you train them like that twice a week ?

    Absolutely not! You would need to use different exercises during the first of the week than those to be used during the latter part of the week when training the legs twice a week.

    Go try to do squats twice a week and you will more than likely develop serious joints problems along with an over-trained nervous system. Not to mention mental boredom! Use once a week as a baseline and twice a week muscle group training on occasion to break plateaus.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    May 2004
    ^^Personally I don't agree.

    But each to his own philosophy.


  15. #15
    oohh yea, leg day is intense for me. between all the exercises, squats and third degree burns induced by leg extensions, heh I don't know if im gonna throw up or pass out

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Apr 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by *Narkissos* View Post
    ^^Personally I don't agree.

    But each to his own philosophy.

    Narkissos, I believe in training like a power-lifter when it comes to training each muscle twice a week. For example, power-lifters may do squats on Monday and box squats on Friday but you rarely see them do both movements on both Monday and Friday. Why? It's because their joints, cns and mind can't take the abuse.

    Training both the squat and box squat in the same session works well given you train those movements only once a week as opposed to twice a week.

    I also believe in increasing overall volume when training a muscle twice a week inorder- to break plateaus.

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