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  1. #1
    ralph9983 is offline New Member
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    smith machine bench press vs regular bench press

    lately ive been just doing the smith machine bench press im up to 220lbs as a max bench.. i only do this cuz i dont really have any one to spot me so i cant push my self on the regular bench... now im real question is... for hypertrophy training which is gonna yield better size the regular bench or the smith machine?
    and another question does any one know how much the bar weights on the smith machine ?

  2. #2
    200byjune's Avatar
    200byjune is offline Senior Member
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    45 pounds. its a controlled movement thats why you can do more

  3. #3
    ralph9983 is offline New Member
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    so the bar is 45lbs? i understand y i can do more but is it better for hypertrophy training ?

  4. #4
    abbot138's Avatar
    abbot138 is offline Anabolic Member
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    I think 200 misunderstood you. Smith bar is about 10lbs. I'm in the same boat as you lately, on different program then usual lifting partner, so its db or smith for me. Obvioulsy its not ideal because it is a controlled motion and you arent activating any stabilizer muscles, but on the other side it prob isolates pecs a little better.

  5. #5
    xavier_888888's Avatar
    xavier_888888 is offline Senior Member
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    No doubt regular bench press like abbot said your not activating stabilizer muscles. I only used the smith before for bench when i injured my shoulders and could not do the regular one.

  6. #6
    abbot138's Avatar
    abbot138 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by xavier_888888 View Post
    No doubt regular bench press like abbot said your not activating stabilizer muscles. I only used the smith before for bench when i injured my shoulders and could not do the regular one.
    Yeah, it pretty much sucks, lol. Doing chest without a partner is a beotch.

  7. #7
    AdamGH is offline Senior Member
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    Yea, without a spotter sucks. I generally just go as heavy as I can normally and dont push it to fail. Ill try and make up for it with dumbbells presses. If worse comes to worse, I can just drop those on the floor.

  8. #8
    abbot138's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AdamGH View Post
    Yea, without a spotter sucks. I generally just go as heavy as I can normally and dont push it to fail. Ill try and make up for it with dumbbells presses. If worse comes to worse, I can just drop those on the floor.
    Yup, I've been trying to do drop sets on my last set or two, but theres no substitute for squeezing out those last few forced reps.

  9. #9
    green22's Avatar
    green22 is offline Senior Member
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    I prefer free weight, just ask someone to spot you.

  10. #10
    MFT81's Avatar
    MFT81 is offline Senior Member
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    Do bench press in a power rack with safty pins set a tad lower than your rom so if you get stuck you can dump it.

    I like to do mostly free weights but will do smith press on incline bench for something diff.

    as far as the bar, most smiths glide up and down with no effort, they almost kinda float. so I dont count the bars weight.

  11. #11
    Gym Freak's Avatar
    Gym Freak is offline Junior Member
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    Your newer smith machine bars weigh 50 lbs. When I was say a novice in the gym I used the smith machine. After learning how to make the muscles work and contract I don't get a thing from smith machine presses. When you learn what you can do and can't do barbell presses without a spotter aren't a problem. You know what given weight you can press for a given amount of reps. You just start throwing in drop sets and static holds to up the intensity.

  12. #12
    Jfew44's Avatar
    Jfew44 is offline Senior Member
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    The weight of the bar depends on the machine. Some are 10lb, 15lb, 45lb, it depends. It should say on the rack tho. IMO theres no substituting free weight bench tho.

  13. #13
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFT81 View Post
    Do bench press in a power rack with safty pins set a tad lower than your rom so if you get stuck you can dump it.

    I like to do mostly free weights but will do smith press on incline bench for something diff.

    as far as the bar, most smiths glide up and down with no effort, they almost kinda float. so I dont count the bars weight.
    Couldn't of said it better myself.

  14. #14
    kickinit's Avatar
    kickinit is offline Member
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    Im by no means he-man but I do 315lbs on incline free weights, and 360lbs (just the plates) on the smith set-up. I think that kind of shows the difference. I do both, smith machine makes me stonger quicker, but I do think I get the better workout of the 2 on free weights.

  15. #15
    harrydunn69 is offline New Member
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    i like doing both...maybe one week smith, next week free weights or start on free weights then do a smith for a few incline sets or something...just dont ask the skinny supermans to spot you, they will just grab the bar and do the set for you

  16. #16
    skitz1's Avatar
    skitz1 is offline Junior Member
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    I actually push the same amount of weight both on the Smith and on the free weight bench press. I also find that the Smith gives me a better pump. However I'll only ever use the Smith if I have no one to spot me which is very rarely.

  17. #17
    dlovefitness is offline Junior Member
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    I agree with green 22 just ask someone in your gym but make sure its someone who can spot and not one of those aholes who either help to much or don't help at all lol

  18. #18
    dlovefitness is offline Junior Member
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    I never used a partner strictly because im very intense and haven't been able to find someone as strict....but i always use random peops in the gym to spot me

  19. #19
    gibferno's Avatar
    gibferno is offline Junior Member
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    I have to use smith some days on chest if I'm pyramid lifting without a spotter, but I don't feel as good afterwards. However yesterday, I felt pumped after my smith workout. I guess it depends on the intensity and focus of your workout. I don't lift much weight, but I warmed up and then did sets of 215lbs, 225lbs, and 245lbs and I felt good. I went to flat db for one more set. Our smith bar is 45lbs. I guess the main thing that I don't like, is the machine stabilizes the bar for you. I don't feel like I'm working anything other than my pecs.

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