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  1. #1
    raywj is offline New Member
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    Help With Work Out

    Newb needs help. After reading some posts, its becoming apparent that I maybe be over traing a bit. So I have re worked my routine. Please critique and tell me what you think. Thanks in advance for the help!

    a.m. 30 min cardio empty stomach
    p.m. Chest and Bi's

    1. warm up flat bench 12 reps x2
    2. Incline bench - 3 sets / 1 set 6 reps / 2nd set 4 reps / 3rd set 2 reps
    3. Flat bench - 3 sets / 1st set 6 reps / 2nd set 4 reps / 3rd set 2 reps
    4. Decline bench - 3 sets / 1st set 6 reps / 2nd set 4 reps / 3rd set 2 reps
    (alternate dumb bell and bar bell week to week)
    5. Dumbell Flys or Cable Flys - 3 sets of 6

    1. Sitting Curls - 3 sets / 1 set 8 reps / 2nd set 6 reps / 3rd set 4 reps
    2. Standing Straight Bar Curls - 3 sets / 1st set 8 reps/ 2nd set 6 reps/ 3rd set 4 reps
    3. Easy bar Preacher Curls - 3 sets / 1 set 8 reps / 2nd set 6 reps / 3rd set 4 reps

    1. Ab crunches 4 sets of 20


    a.m. 30 min cardio empty stomach
    p.m. Legs

    1. Warm up - Squats 1 set 12 reps
    2. Squats - 3 sets / 1 set 6 reps / 2nd set 4 reps / 3rd set 2 reps
    3. Leg Press - 3 sets / 1 set 6 reps / 2nd set 4 reps / 3rd set 2 reps
    4. Calv. raises - 3 sets / 8 reps a piece

    1. Leg raises, 4 sets of 10

    a.m. cardio empty stomach
    p.m. back and tris

    1. Warm up - Lat pull downs - 1 set 12 reps
    2. Dead Lifts - 3 sets / 1 set 6 reps / 2nd set 4 reps / 3rd set 2 reps
    3. sitting rows - 3 sets 1 set 6 reps / 2nd set 4 reps / 3rd set 2 reps
    4. Pull Ups - Pyramid from 6 (6 5 4 4 5 6)


    1. Rope extensions - 3 sets / 1 set 8 reps / 2nd set 6 reps / 3rd sep 4 reps
    2. Skull Crushers - 3 sets / 1 set 8 reps / 2nd set 6 reps / 3rd set 4 reps
    3. dips - Pryamid from 8 (8 7 6 6 7 8)

    a.m. 30 min cardio empty stomach
    p.m. Shoulders and traps

    1. Warm up - Smith Machine 1 set 12 reps
    2. Smith Machine - 3 sets / 1 set 6 reps / 2nd set 4 reps / 3rd set 2 reps
    3. Standing straight bar raises - 3 sets / 1 set 8 reps / 2nd set 6 reps / 3rd set 4 reps
    4. Dumbell raises - 3 sets / 1 set 8 reps / 2nd set 6 reps / 3rd set 4 reps
    5. Standing Shrugs - 3 sets 8 reps a piece

    1. Crunches with medicine ball - 3 sets at 10 reps

    a.m. 10 min cardio empty stomach
    p.m. abs my choice of work out

    Sat and Sun OFF DAYS

  2. #2
    Emilio_Rebenga's Avatar
    Emilio_Rebenga is offline Senior Member
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    why do u run on an empty stomach and what are you trying to do with your body?

  3. #3
    Jfew44's Avatar
    Jfew44 is offline Senior Member
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    Are you lifting for strength bro? Your reps seem to be on the low side IMO. Leg day looks really light as well.

  4. #4
    raywj is offline New Member
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    I am trying to gain strenght and mass. I thought that the legs day was light as well, but alot of the workouts that were posted with more than three exercises are said to be over training.

  5. #5
    Jfew44's Avatar
    Jfew44 is offline Senior Member
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    It's all about how your body responds. I do roughly 20 sets on leg day. 5 of those sets being for calves. You're only hitting the beef of your legs for 6 sets where you're hitting you chest (much smaller muscle group) for 12 sets.

  6. #6
    raywj is offline New Member
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    little bump

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