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Thread: My workout split + exercises.....critique

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2008

    My workout split + exercises.....critique

    Here's my routine - each exercise 3-5 sets usually 10-12 reps unless training heavy then at least 6 reps. Supersets + pyramids when i feel i want to boost the intensity:

    > Monday - Chest + Abs
    Barbell/Dumbell Flat Bench Press
    " Incline Press
    Flat Flye
    Cable Crossovers (From the bottom)
    Dumbell Pullover
    Occasionally weighted dip
    Hanging Leg Raise
    Oblique Twist

    >Tuesday - Back - Calves
    Weighted Wide Pull up
    Seated cable row
    Lat pulldown
    Barbell Bent over Row
    1 arm dumbell row
    Donkey calf raise
    leg press calf raise

    >Wednesday - cardio

    >Thursday - Arms - tri's 1st - Abs(Same as monday)
    Cable press downs
    close grip bench press
    reverse grip cable press down 1 arm
    barbell curl
    dumbell preacher curl
    cross body hammers
    wrist curl + reverse

    Friday- Cardio - Calves (Same as Tuesday)

    Saturday - shoulders + abs (Same)
    dumbell press
    lateral raise
    bent over laterals
    upright row
    barbell shrug
    occasionally front lateral raise epsecially if bench press needs work

    Sunday - Legs
    leg press
    hamstring curl
    leg extensions
    lunges + same calve routine

    Advice comments welcome + don't be shy rip into it

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    The Nut House
    you're overdoing chest, back and shoulders ... Can't imagine how you'd fit all that in 60mins or so .... I worry that you could be overtraining... sometimes, less is more

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Thanks for the advice, usually I do 5 exercises about 15-18 (including warm-up) sets do you think this is overtraining? I wouldn't say i felt overtrained.

    I get this done in about 40 minutes no problem with 1 minute rest periods.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    South Jersey
    For me 15-18 sets is perfect for large muscle groups (Chest, Back, Legs), if you stay in this range I dont think you are over-training at all. All in all I think it looks pretty solid, as long as you are switching up the order you do the exercises from time to time to keep the muscles guessing.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2008
    I switch starting exercises on chest, back and legs probably every 4 weeks. With shoulders and arms i always stick with the mass building exercise 1st.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    South Jersey
    Quote Originally Posted by sam_sneed View Post
    I switch starting exercises on chest, back and legs probably every 4 weeks. With shoulders and arms i always stick with the mass building exercise 1st.
    Sounds good. I always do shoulder press first as well.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Abbot, what do you think of my Ab routine? Im cutting right now and as my BF comes down i obviously need that area of my training spot on.

    any advice would be appreciated.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Bump, for any comments on my Ab routine / further advice.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    South Jersey
    Thhhhats a tough one, many many different opionions on this subject, if you use the search button and type in abs, you will see a bunch of threads with people arguing about it. Personally, I hate my abs, lol, but heres what I do. I treat them like a normal muscle. 12 sets a week, hit them with my delt workout and just blast them. Usually 2 exercises for upper and 1 for lower. I do a lot of heavy squats and heavy deads and I feel that these work my abs plenty so I dont feel the need to do them ed or eod as some do. That being said, I have seen guys who hit them ed or eod and have amazing abs. It really just come down to BF, until you get down around 8% or so, you really arent gonna be that happy with your abs. At least that has been my experience. Whats more important than frequency tho is performing the proper expercises with proper from. Stay away from the machines, all they do is work hip flexors. Also avoid decline Full sit-ups, again just hip flexors. If your gonna use the decline bench, do weighted decline crunches, dont go all the way up. Proper from on crunches of any kind is vital to ab devpmnt. Hope this helps. AGain, I hate my fvckin abs, lol.

  10. #10
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    The Nut House
    Quote Originally Posted by sam_sneed View Post
    Thanks for the advice, usually I do 5 exercises about 15-18 (including warm-up) sets do you think this is overtraining? I wouldn't say i felt overtrained.

    I get this done in about 40 minutes no problem with 1 minute rest periods.
    maybe I misunderstood but you list a total of 9 exercises for chest n abs (6 and 3) and 8 for back n calves (6 and 2) ... i assumed you would do atleast 3 sets which means you are doing 24 - 27 sets a day in 40 minutes? Wow! Just because you do all that within 40 minutes is no garantee you can't overtrain or exhaust your CNS... anyway, something seems a little off but I'll leave it at that.. you know your body best...just offering a friendly observation and my humble .02


  11. #11
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    South Jersey
    Quote Originally Posted by InsaneInTheMembrane View Post
    maybe I misunderstood but you list a total of 9 exercises for chest n abs (6 and 3) and 8 for back n calves (6 and 2) ... i assumed you would do atleast 3 sets which means you are doing 24 - 27 sets a day in 40 minutes? Wow! Just because you do all that within 40 minutes is no garantee you can't overtrain or exhaust your CNS... anyway, something seems a little off but I'll leave it at that.. you know your body best...just offering a friendly observation and my humble .02

    Right, that was my first reaction when I saw that as well, all those exercises listed. 24-27 would DEFINATELY be over-training, lol. But if he is actually only doing 15-18 for large he should be ok....15-18 for small would be a little over kill tho.

  12. #12
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    May 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by InsaneInTheMembrane View Post
    maybe I misunderstood but you list a total of 9 exercises for chest n abs (6 and 3) and 8 for back n calves (6 and 2) ... i assumed you would do atleast 3 sets which means you are doing 24 - 27 sets a day in 40 minutes? Wow! Just because you do all that within 40 minutes is no garantee you can't overtrain or exhaust your CNS... anyway, something seems a little off but I'll leave it at that.. you know your body best...just offering a friendly observation and my humble .02

    It's cool i appreciate your input. On chest i said occasionally i do weighted dip instead of a different exercise is what i meant not on top of.

    Im going to remove the 1 arm rows from my Back routine, theres already 2 exercises for thickness anyway.

    For Triceps i'll do about 9 sets , then 9 for biceps.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    to me it doesn't seem that number of sets is really the crucial factor to determining if you are overtraining, it is # of sets to and past failure. I mean you could do 25 sets all a couple reps or so short of failure and not be overtraining or do 9 sets all to failure and be way overtrained

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Id reduce some of those sets on chest and ad some more leg work.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by green22 View Post
    Id reduce some of those sets on chest and ad some more leg work.
    Agreed. Changed chest routine now to :

    Flat Barbell/Dumbell Press
    " Incline
    Flat Fly
    Weighted Dip

    4 sets on each

    Any ideas for extra leg work then ?

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