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Thread: Calf help

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    South Carolina

    Calf help

    Ok guys I have been doing this a long time. I have been through two knee operations before but my quads are coming along nicely again. My problem is that my calves just suck. I mean I have tried everything and mind you I have worked at a gym for quite some time now so its not like I dont try to learn everything I can about our sport.

    They are just so stubborn that I cannot describe it to you. Can everyone please list what they do for calves. I am talking exercises weights and frequency. It would be truly appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Long Beach, Ca
    Read ) a note on calves )

    on this forum .... then repost

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    South Carolina
    Originally posted by MarkyMark
    Read ) a note on calves )

    on this forum .... then repost
    Was a great post Abbaddon. Did you find it? If not let us know.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 1969

    Good Post

    I would also recommend reading that post as well. Awhile back I had a problem with lower back pains while jogging. Jason recommended that I change my jogging style by jogging on my toes as this relieves alot of pressure off the lower back from jogging. Well to make a long story short it worked. And the result was not just seen in my lower back but in my calves as well. I am beggingin to think that I am going to have to increse my leg routine as my calves are REALLY blowing up nicely. It hurt like hell at first but I got use to it after awhile. Just thoght that I would drop this little hint down as it kinda addresses this issue. 2 birds killed with one stone so to speak, cardio and calves. And again, thanks Jason, I'm still going strong.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Long Beach, Ca
    If you notice , Most women have decent calves .... In fact fat people have awesome calves ...unfortuneatly they suck everywhere else .... But this is mostly due from walking on your toes as opposed to walking on your heals .... and the shock that goes with that is lower back trouble ... that is why running is considered not as good for you as is fast walking ... the constant pounding of the pavement is bad on the joints and back .... focusing on the toes also simmulates a shock asorber. cushioning the shock to the heals ....

    good luck

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