From what I understand from reading it seems like people seem to lose crazy weight on guerilla cardio... I read on another forum about some guy losing 25 pounds in a month as he was doing it everyday in the morning...
Well, I just tried Guerilla Cardio for the first time today and I thought I almost died when I left the gym.
My big mistake was trying this cardio on the stair climber after lifting. I rested a bit after working out and decided to give it a try. I lasted only three 20 second intervals before being completely gassed. I went all out for 20 seconds and rested for 10 seconds.
It got worse as I walked out of the gym and sat in my car as I was so light headed and naucious that I didnt want to drive. I simply sat in my car for about 15 minutes because I thought I was going to throw up several times. I finally felt a tad better and drove home before drinking a shake which finally made me feel better.
This is the most intense cardio I have ever tried. HIT cardio is nothing compared to this.
Last edited by kid dynamite; 09-25-2008 at 04:04 PM.
low intensity cardio u burn more fat during exercise than during-High intensity but u burn more fat through the rest of the day with HIGH-intensity in the end the results showed no significant difference except one took more time, also fasted cardio is not a must either,Carbo-fed cardio burns equal amounts of fat throughout the rest of the day because of thermogenic effect. that being said in the AM i do Fed-cardio high intensity and PWO i do low intensity.
if you would like sources here they are
Melanson EL, et al. Resistance and aerobic exercise have similar effects on 24-h nutrient oxidation.. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2002 Nov;34(11):1793-800.
Ahlborg, G., and P. Felig. Influence of glucose ingestion on fuel-hormone response during prolonged exercise. J. Appl. Physiol. 1976;41:683-688.
De Glisezinski I, et al. Effect of carbohydrate ingestion on adipose tissue lipolysis during long-lasting exercise in trained men. J Appl Physiol. 1998 May;84(5):1627-32.
Coyle EF, et al. Fatty acid oxidation is directly regulated by carbohydrate metabolism during exercise. Am J Physiol. 1997 Aug;273(2 Pt 1):E268-75.
Civitarese AE, et al. Glucose ingestion during exercise blunts exercise-induced gene expression of skeletal muscle fat oxidative genes. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2005 Dec;289(6):E1023-9.
Wallis GA, et al. Metabolic response to carbohydrate ingestion during exercise in males and females. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2006 Apr;290(4):E708-15.
Coyle, et al. Muscle glycogen utilization during prolonged strenuous exercise when fed carbohydrate. J. Appl. Physiol. 1986;6:165-172.
Coyle, et al.. Carbohydrates during prolonged strenuous exercise can delay fatigue. J. Appl. Physiol. 59: 429-433, 1983.
Horowitz JF, et al. Substrate metabolism when subjects are fed carbohydrate during exercise. Am J Physiol. 1999 May;276(5 Pt 1):E828-35.
Febbraio MA, et al. Effects of carbohydrate ingestion before and during exercise on glucose kinetics and exercise performance. J Appl Physiol. 2000 Dec;89(6):2220-6.
Achten J, Jeukendrup AE. Relation between plasma lactate concentration and fat oxidation rates over a wide range of exercise intensities. Int J Sports Med. 2004 Jan;25(1):32-7.
Thompson DL, et al. Substrate use during and following moderate- and low-intensity exercise: implications for weight control. Eur J Appl Physiol Occup Physiol. 1998 Jun;78(1):43-9.
Phelain JF, et al. Postexercise energy expenditure and substrate oxidation in young women resulting from exercise bouts of different intensity.J Am Coll Nutr. 1997 Apr;16(2):140-6.
Lee YS. Et al. The effects of various intensities and durations of exercise with and without glucose in milk ingestion on postexercise oxygen consumption. J Sports Med Phys Fitness. 1999 Dec;39(4):341-7.
Melanson EL, et al. Effect of exercise intensity on 24-h energy expenditure and nutrient oxidation. J Appl Physiol. 2002 Mar;92(3):1045-52.
Saris WH, Schrauwen P. Substrate oxidation differences between high- and low-intensity exercise are compensated over 24 hours in obese men. Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord. June; 28 (6): 759-65.
Grediagin A, et al. Exercise intensity does not effect body composition change in untrained, moderately overfat women. J Am Diet Assoc. 1995 Jun;95(6):661-5.
Mougios V, et al. Does the intensity of an exercise programme modulate body composition changes? Int J Sports Med. 2006 Mar;27(3):178-81.
Okura T, et al. Effects of exercise intensity on physical fitness and risk factors for coronary heart disease. Obes Res. 2003 Sep;11(9):1131-9.
Tremblay, et al. Impact of exercise intensity on body fatness and skeletal muscle metabolism. Metabolism. 1994 Jul;43(7):814-8.
Yoshioka M, et al. Impact of high-intensity exercise on energy expenditure, lipid oxidation and body fatness. Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord. 2001 Mar;25(3):332-9.
Broeder CE, et al. The effects of either high-intensity resistance or endurance training on resting metabolic rate. Am J Clin Nutr. 1992 Apr;55(4):802-10.
Gutin B, et al. Effects of exercise intensity on cardiovascular fitness, total body composition, and visceral adiposity of obese adolescents. Am J Clin Nutr. 2002 May;75(5):818-26.
Wait you did your guerilla cardio on a STAIR CLIMBER?
How is that even possible?
I actually quit doing mine, that shit was miserable. I'd rather just deal with 45 boring minutes of low impact. But I also started clen which helped me shed a good amount of fat the first week even.
Ricky, I just put the stair climber on the highest level and just went balls out for 20 seconds and then just stopped and rested for 10 and so on... It actually worked quite well for about a minute before I felt like my lungs were about to explode.
I did it again yesterday but this time doing suicide sprints in my backyard. I finished all 8 intervals but my sprints turned more into light jogs about half through because I was so gassed. They are miserable but I am willing to give it a serious go at it for a bit.
I cant get the page to load up. can some one post how this cardio is done I am interested in trying this.
whynot 960..
Warm up with a light jog for 4 mintues.
After warming up you sprint 100% for 20 seconds then stop and rest for 10 seconds. You do this 8 times.
then a light jog for 4 mintues to cool down.
This can be done with running, cycling or any other cardio.
As a warning let me tell you that if you do it correctly you will feel like you are about to die the first time you do it. Good luck!
It's true man it's murder.
I can tell you this though Dynamite, it gets easier every time you do it.
Stick it out for a week or two and see what happens.
It's miserable but the misery is relatively short.
Its a total of 12 minutes. I can barely stand after the intense 8 intervals. So in other words after two sessions I havent had enough energy for the cool down.
i need to try this shit, you guys are doing it on a track or around your neighborhood or what?
It was first developed using stationary bicylces....
I actually used the stair climber in my gym and used it for suicide sprints in my yard. I was just about dead both times so I guess I am doing correctly.
Have been doing some form of Guerilla Cardio everyday. Sprints, thrusts, high knee jump rope, etc.
The work out is brutal but my girlfriend sees results already. She says that I look like I have slimmed down some. I havent weighed myself but will post when I do.
I decided not to do this workout today as I feel that my body is screaming at me to take a break,lol.
yes it is easier but easier is not what you want, i've been a fann of this cause i can feel it working for a long time after im done... it does work. when you first start of its good to go a lil easier so you dont die like if your on a trendmile put it on 13.0 and for 20 seconds and rest for 30. until you work yourself up and get in good enough shape to drop it to drop it. this program is a SOB and if your an athlete like myself it inproves forty time tremendoulsy..
yea thats how it is for a while, but you must realize it is very important to go balls out and if your gased your heart rate will decerease, so i suggest as i stated above go 20sec balls out and rest for 40sec's soon enough your times will be down.
i love to have athletes training for speed and power to do this with a 50lbs weight vest on going up hill, after that you can straight up run over people.
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