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  1. #1
    AdamGH is offline Senior Member
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    Points to follow for your success!

    Through my constant education about being fit and healthy, I see a lot of people come across 5 major issues that need to be talked about. These issues need to be dealt with in order for you to achieve your fitness goals. I myself have only come to understand some of these concepts recently. Rarely do I see them talked about in enough detail. My goal here is to only bring them out to the open, but I also hope I can help someone. No matter what your goals are in the fitness world. If you follow these 5 points, I guarantee you will be successful in the gym!

    1. Patience: I see so many new people and even veterans of fitness forget about one of the most important things in exercise; patience. Sure we all want to be that one guy you saw in a magazine or from a bodybuilding show. You know what got that person there? Patience! They took the time to do the exercise week after week, month after month, year after year. A lot of people don't want to wait anymore. They scour the net looking for that quick fix. They think to themselves, "The latest supplement or steroid will get some muscle on me for sure!" In general, these people flame out, don't eat right, or get injured and look at themselves in the mirror many years later saying, "What happened?" Don't get sucked into this quick fix way of thinking. This is a lifestyle, dig in for the long haul and you surely will be looking at yourself in the mirror years later going, "Damn I look good!"

    2. Consistency: Time and time again I'd hear the same old thing. "I cannot get big!" Or "this weight is impossible to get off!" I like asking them, "What has your routine/diet been like over the years?" They say, "I usually workout for a month or so then get busy with other stuff." I'm going to go out on a limb here and tell you what your problem is. Consistency! You want to put some muscle on you? You want to lose weight? Then you have to put the time in. First you were lacking patience. Now you are lacking consistency! Exercise is a lifestyle, not a fad. You need to learn to fit the time in the gym in your schedule. If you can't fit it in your schedule, then you cannot complain saying your body type doesn't let you gain muscle or you cannot lose weight. I guarantee you put time in, you will see results.

    3. Diet: If you really want to get in shape and be healthy then you must learn what works for you. Diet is a lot of trial and error. You ask people what they eat and you will hear some crazy ideas about what they believe is proper nutrition. Don't believe the info you get from your buddy because he has a friend, who's a friend of a pro body builder's nutritionist. Everyone is different and you have different needs than the next person. First and foremost, you need to research. Read everything that's out there. Get book ideas. Join a fitness forum. Do whatever you can to absorb as much as possible. Learn the amount calories your body needs to make those gains/losses you weren't getting before. You have no excuse to tell anyone that you are too skinny to grow or to fat to lose if you have educated yourself. You will know it isn't true.

    4. Educate: I talk to friends all the time about fitness. They ask how I learned all this knowledge. First I tell them my knowledge is not that vast, but thanks for the compliment. Then I tell them it's easy to learn. If you want to better yourself, I think it is only common sense that you educate yourself. Just like learning about proper diet, take the time to learn about the human body. Their are wonderful forums out there, books, magazines and heck even school for those wanting to take it further. Remember how I said this is a lifestyle? Don't hinder you body's growth by listening to your buddies advice. Just because it works for him doesn't mean it will work for you. Study what's out there and try new things. This will make you grow even faster, make you happier, and impress your friends.

    5. Genetics: People get this image in their heads of what they should look like. You know I think it's good to have goals. You need to have a purpose for whatever you do in life. We create short/long term goals for ourselves in everyday life. Same should be applied to fitness. We need to draw a line though at a certain point. You are you! Not the person in the magazine ad, competition or the TV. Everyone's body is different. You must aspire to be the best you can be.

    I guarantee if you understand/follow the things I mentioned above: patience, consistency, diet, educate and genetics. You will have people looking at you wishing they had your body! I do not know everything. I do know though if you understand and follow these points. You will succeed and be what you want to be!
    Last edited by AdamGH; 05-11-2009 at 11:46 PM. Reason: spelling, grammar

  2. #2
    novastepp's Avatar
    novastepp is offline Have You Picked a Fight Lately?
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    Refreshing read, Adam. Many forget that the road is long, and the iron heavy. If you are willing to accept the fact that the iron kicks you the real deal, you become much better at returning the favor.

    Good spot about research as well. Don't limit yourself to books and magazines. Best research is done on your own body, and through time the results will be successful.

  3. #3
    AdamGH is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by novastepp View Post
    Refreshing read, Adam. Many forget that the road is long, and the iron heavy. If you are willing to accept the fact that the iron kicks you the real deal, you become much better at returning the favor.

    Good spot about research as well. Don't limit yourself to books and magazines. Best research is done on your own body, and through time the results will be successful.
    thx nova!

  4. #4
    green22's Avatar
    green22 is offline Senior Member
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    Thanks for the read!!!! All is so true.

  5. #5
    Dukkit's Avatar
    Dukkit is offline Vitamin Enhanced Sociopathic Post Whore
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    good stuff

    *thumbs up*

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    AdamGH is offline Senior Member
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    AdamGH is offline Senior Member
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  9. #9
    GT2's Avatar
    GT2 is offline Senior Member
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    Great post Adam

    I wish every noob to bodybuilding/steroids would read that!

  10. #10
    AdamGH is offline Senior Member
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    thx for the kind words!

  11. #11
    rockinred's Avatar
    rockinred is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Good post...

  12. #12
    DCI's Avatar
    DCI is offline Productive Member
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    Great read there Adam. Some of the points need to be given out to people for more than just BB or weight training.

  13. #13
    AdamGH is offline Senior Member
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    shameless bump I rewrote it again with better grammar this time.

  14. #14
    jbm's Avatar
    jbm is offline "3 stars and a sun"
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    Nice bump!!!

    Nice post brother...

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