i been doing this for about 6-7 months and from 6'1" 255 i am down to 6'2" (ya i have grown) 237 and my body fat percentage has been down about 3-4% (age: 21)...during that time my diet was very poor, now i am gonna go a diet (not the low carb stuff, but more the line of staying between 1,600-2,000 cal a day)..my pre-workout supplements are creatine (vpx no shotgun v3) and test. booster (d-drol or w/e)...and after workout muscle milk protein...

here is my question, usually when i am at the gym i start with doing weight lifting for about 1-1.5 hours (my heart rate usually is about 110-130) and then i do walking on treadmill (5 inches off ground and speed 3.5-4.0...keeping my heart rate at 135-150) for anywhere from 20-40 mins for my 2 hours or sometimes 2.5 hours at the gym...now u guys think thats a good way of cutting down fat and also building mass, or i should just stick with the cutting and then go back to bulking once i am happy with the body fat percent? Mainly now i am trying to cut down fat as quick as i can, thats y i am going on a good/healthly diet