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Thread: workout duration/reps/sets

  1. #1

    workout duration/reps/sets

    Hi bros.

    I m a first time aas(test-e,dbol) user. i ve been training for 5 years naturally.

    what i did was 4-5 diff exercise with 3-4 sets per body part. i usually end my workout within 1hr.

    now that i m on gear. i dunno how much vol or how long should i trg. set range especially.

    hope you guys can help me out.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Tryin to get Abs
    do what works for you, no one will no that except you maybe just increase the weight or what not, you dont work out differently on AAS but you can train heavier and harder because of the TEST

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    R.I.P. TMOS
    You will be increasing the weight.

    It should come naturally to you bro.

    Youll see in about 4 wks, things dont seem as heavy as they did the previous month. Fromt there just start increasing.

    I dont know about others, but i worked out longer while on. I just have more in my tank when im on cycle.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Gym and the Kitchen
    I'm in week 8 of my first cyle (test e) and i train to where i feel i'm worked sufficiently, but not overtrained... it just comes with experince... My workout durations depend on the muscle being trained and how i feel... I take 2-3 minutes between sets while bulking and pick up the pace when trying to cut... When cutting most workouts drop about 20-40 min... You will definately notice major strength gains somewhere around week 6 (give or take a week) and you'll feel energized for longer, but again you don't want to overtrain

    Arms 45-60 min
    Back (2x per week) 80-105min
    Chest 70-90min
    Legs 120-150min
    Shoulders 70-90min
    Last edited by fit4ever180; 10-16-2008 at 11:21 PM.

  5. #5
    FireGuy's Avatar
    FireGuy is offline 9/11/2001~343 Never Forget!~E-HOF~RETIRED
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    Quote Originally Posted by fit4ever180 View Post
    I'm in week 8 of my first cyle (test e) and i train to where i feel i'm worked sufficiently, but not overtrained... it just comes with experince... My workout durations depend on the muscle being trained and how i feel... I take 2-3 minutes between sets while bulking and pick up the pace when trying to cut... When cutting most workouts drop about 20-40 min... You will definately notice major strength gains somewhere around week 6 (give or take a week) and you'll feel energized for longer, but again you don't want to overtrain

    Arms 45-60 min
    Back (2x per week) 80-105min
    Chest 70-90min
    Legs 120-150min
    Shoulders 70-90min

    2 hours for legs?? Over an hour for chest? An hour and a half for delts? Your intensity level must be moderate at best. That is WAY too long IMHO.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by FireGuy1 View Post
    2 hours for legs?? Over an hour for chest? An hour and a half for delts? Your intensity level must be moderate at best. That is WAY too long IMHO.
    My legs do not get torn down easily, especially quads! They are by far my dominant muscle group... But you're right, between sets I rest a long time while bulking... It's not the intensity that's moderate either, it's the pace... There is a difference imo...

    I'm not looking for the aeorbic effect at all while bulking (I get that from 5-6x per wk cardio) It feels like there is a better synergism for me when I take exceedingly long amounts of rest time betweem sets and so far it's working great, so you can knock it, that's your opinion...

    It just seems to work the best for me... I mix up the exercises to get a different shock once I feel like I'm getting used to a routine and once I switch to cutting, most workouts are under an hour (except legs,1.25-1.5hr) due to increased pace...

    The the Back (thickness) and delt workouts both include traps and delts also includes a couple different things for neck strengthening...

  7. #7
    i believe legs and back should be the longest. since its the biggest muscle group.

    i think i ve concluded.

    i ll train as per usual. no more than 18sets per body part. but really heavy.

    2times a week.

    since i seem to recover faster now. haha

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