Training Program... For Everybody! ;)
Rich Gaspari's Advanced Training Program
4 Day Training Cycle
Day 1:
Chest (1.5-2 minute rest in between all chest exercises)
-Incline DB or BB Press (4 sets-1x12,1x10,1x8,1x15)
-Incline DB Fly (3 sets of 10-12)
-Flat DD or BB Bench (3 sets of 6-8)
-Dips (4 sets to failure)
Triceps (30 second rest between all triceps exercises)
-Cable Triceps Pushdowns (1x12,1x10,1x8,1x6)
-Lying Triceps Skull Crushers or Close Grip Bench (1x15,1x12,1x10,1x8)
-Over Head Triceps Extensions (3 sets of 12)
Abdominals (30 second rest in between sets)
-Ab Crunches (3 sets of 20-25 reps)
-Knee Raises (3 sets of 20-25)
Day 2
Legs (1.5-2 minutes rest between all sets)
-Leg Extensions (4 sets of 15)
-45 Degree Leg Press (4 sets of 15)
-Hack Squats (4 sets of 15)
-Smith Machine Reverse Lunges (3 sets of 15)
-Lying Leg Curls (4 sets of 15)
-Stiff Legged Dead Lifts (3 sets of 12)
Calves (30 second rest in between sets)
-Standing Calf Raises or Toe Raises on Incline Leg Press (4 sets of 15-25)
-Seated Calf Raises (4 sets of 15-25)
Day 3 OFF
Day 4
Shoulders/Shrugs (30-60 second rest between sets)
-Seated Front BB or DB Press (4 to 5 sets of 12,10,8,6,10)
-DB or BB Front Lateral Raise (3 sets of 10-12)
-Seated or Standing Side Laterals (4 sets of 10)
-DB or BB Standing Upright Wide Grip Raises (3 sets of 10)
-Bent Over Side Laterals (3 sets of 10-12)
-DB or BB Shrugs (4 sets of 10-12)
Biceps (30 second rest)
-Standing DB Curls (3 sets of 10)
-Seated Preacher Curls (3 sets of 10)
-21's BB Curl (7 lows 7 highs 7 full)
-Reverse BB Curl (3 sets of 12)
Abs : Repeat Ab workout from Day 1
Day 5
Back (1-1.5 minute rest)
-Front Pull Ups or Cable Lat Pull Downs (4 sets of 10-12)
-Seated Cable Rows (3 sets of 10)
-Bent Over BB Rows (3 sets of 10-12)
-Deadlifts (4 sets of 12,10,8,10)
Calves (30 second rest)
-45 Degree Leg Press Toe Raises ( 4 sets of 15)
-Seated Calf Raise (4 sets of 15)
Day 6 & 7 OFF
Cardiovascular Training
65% MHR = (220-age) x .65
first 2 weeks: 20 minutes 3 times a week
3: 30 minutes 3 times a week
4: 30 min. 3 times a week
5: 40 min. 3 times a week
6: 40 min. 4 times a week
7: 40 min. 5 times a week
8: 50 min. 5 times a week
Never go over an hour of cardio in one session. If you happen to plateau, have two sessions of cardio in a day.
-Rich Gaspari
In a bit, I'll also post up his training program for Mr. Olympia and also a sample of TO's (Terrell Owens) workout.Last edited by xlxBigSexyxlx; 10-16-2008 at 07:23 AM.
Olympia Training Program.
6 Days Straight, 7th for rest.
Day 1 Morning Workout
-Donkey Calf Raises (5 drop sets at 15 reps i.e. 15 reps, lower weight, 15 reps, lower weight, 15 reps...thats 1 set)
-Seated Calf Raises (5 sets of 15, increasing the weight each set until the final one, which would be a drop set like above)
-Incline DB Press (5 sets warmup,12,10,10,8 till failure)
-Incline Flies (4 sets 12,10,10,8 till failure)
-BB Press (4 sets 10,10 increase weight,8 w/ forced reps for the last 2 reps,increase weight to do 6 reps and drop weights to 8 reps with another drop and do 10)
-DB Flies (4 sets of 10-12)
-Weighted Dips (3 sets of 10 increase weight each set)
-Cross Over Cable (3 sets of 10-12)
-Lying Crunches (4 sets of 50)
-Hanging Leg Raises (4 sets of 50)
-Twisting Cable Crunches (3 sets of 50)
*Cardio rountine followed by posing for one hour.*
Day 1 Afternoon Workout
-Triceps Cable Pushdowns Supersetted w/ Incline DB Curls (4 sets of 10-12)
-Lying Tricep Skull Crushers Supersetted w/ Seating Preacher EZ Bar Curl (4 sets of 10-12)
-Seated Over Head French Curl Supersetted w/ Reverse Curls or DB Hammer Curls (4 sets of 10-12)
-Tricep Kickbacks Supersetted w/ DB Concentration Curls (3 sets of 10-12)
*1 hour of posing*
Day 2 Morning Workout
-Weighted Chins (5 sets of 12-15 increase weight each set)
-Close Grip Front Pull Downs (4 sets of 10 go slow mo keeping back straight)
-Seated Low Rows (4 sets of 12 different handles each workout)
-Bent BB Row (4 sets of 10 strict form)
-TBar Rows (4 sets of 10)
-Dead Lifts (4 sets of 10 switch each workout between DB and BB)
Same as Day 1
*Cardio if need be*
Day 2 Afternoon Workout
-Seated Arnold Press (5 sets of 12,10,8,6,10)
-Seated or Standing Side Laterals (5 sets of 10-12 last 2 sets drop sets: 12 reps, drop weight, 10 reps, drop, 12 reps. Very last set, hold at top for 10 seconds)
-Standing Upright DB Rows Supersetted w/ Two Arm Cable Side Laterals (3 sets of 12)
-Standing Front DB Lateral (3 sets of 10)
-Bent Over DB Laterals (on incline bench, chest on bench, arms to side. 4 sets of 10-12)
-Shrugs (from PowerRack, grab weight from behind. 5 sets of 10-12 )
*1 hour of posing*
Day 3 Morning Workout
-Leg Extensions (5 sets of 12-15 increase weight each set. last set, have someone push down ankles as you push up)
-45 Degree Leg Press (5 sets of 15 last set do 2 drop sets)
-Hack Squats Supersetted w/ Sissy Squats (5 sets of 15 do hack squat, on the same machine, lift butt off pad and perform sissy squats)
-Walking Lunges or Reverse Lunges on Smith Machine (5 sets of 15 reps per leg)
-Lying Leg Curls (5 sets of 12-15)
-Stiffed Legged Deadlifts (4-5 sets of 15 reps)
* no cardio or posing because this is hell**
Day 3 Afternoon Workout
-Same as Day 1
-Same as Day 1
*cardio and posing*
-Rich GaspariLast edited by xlxBigSexyxlx; 10-16-2008 at 07:06 AM.
One thing I did notice is that there wasn't straight up BB Squats in these routines....wonder why?
I see TR and Fireguy lurking...lol
Terrell Owens sample off season week
-Oblique Crunch (2 sets of 23,17 per side)
-Hanging Leg Raise (2 sets of 27,26 27 reps for set 1, 26 reps for set 2...)
-Leg Press Calf Raise (4 sets of 17)
-Leg Press (4 sets of 27,23,24,25)
-Seated Row Machine (4 sets of 13)
-High Row Machine (4 sets of 13)
-Triceps Cable Press Downs (4 sets of 13)
-Crunch (2 sets of 37)
-Hanging Leg Raise (2 sets of 27)
-Seated Calf Raise (4 sets of 17)
-Leg Curl (4 sets of 13)
-DB Bench Press (4 sets of 15,13,13,13)
-Seated DB Shrug (4 sets of 13)
-Seated Hammer Curl (4 sets of 13)
-3 Position Medicine Ball Crunch (3 sets of 30**)
-Lunge (6 sets of 15)
-Arnold Press (4 sets of 13)
-DB Seated Lateral Raise (4 sets of 13)
-Seated Rear Lateral Raise w/ Bands (4 sets of 13)
-Oblique Crunch (2 sets of 23,17 per side)
-Hanging Leg Raise (2 sets of 27,26)
-Standing Calf Raise (4 sets of 13)
-Leg Curl (4 sets of 13)
-Seated Row Machine (4 sets of 13)
-DB Bench Press (4 sets of 13)
-Standing Biceps Curl w/ Bands (4 sets of 13)
-Leg Press (1 set of 100)
-Crunch (1 set of 100)
-Seated Shoulder Press Machine (1 set of 100)
-Bodyweight Squat (1 set of 100)
-Seated Hammer Curl (1 set of 100)
**First position: medicine ball on chest and crunch; second position: arms extended over the chest and crunch to the left; third position: arms extended over the chest and crunch to the right. One set consists of 10 reps in each position.
10-16-2008, 07:20 AM #6
Nice post BigSexy! Always interested in checking out programs.
4 Day Routine, Day 2 has them after leg press. Still, decidedly lacking in the other routines.
TO's routine (if it is in fact legit) is a classic example of athletic freaks getting by on pure talent. I can't imagine the Cowboys S&C Coach allows him to train like that off-season. This isn't a shot at the program, in general; rather, it's a shot at an athlete of TO's caliber training this way. Generally speaking, athletes, such as football players, should be training differently than BBs. In-season, a BB routine might make a bit more sense if the volume is in check. I would be equally astonished if TO was in the gym 5 days a week hitting weights with that type of volume at a decent intensity.
4-Day Routine: Gaspari's exercise selection for arms (very limited brachialis and brachioradialis) placement of some exercises (deadlifts) I find to be less than stellar.
He's a classic example of doing what works FOR THE INDIVIDUAL and he gets all the credit in the world (in my books) for that.Last edited by TR'05; 10-16-2008 at 07:23 AM.
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