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Thread: doubling up workouts: chest-tri, back-bi a good or bad idea?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    doubling up workouts: chest-tri, back-bi a good or bad idea?

    My goals are to gain muscle, stay lean, and get stronger. I figure by doing each muscle group 2x a week and giving them a full 48 hours rest in between, I am able to maximize my gains? Is this correct or am overtraining? I usually lift for 1.5-2 hours each day

    I want some feedback and or critique on my workout routine.

    In college I switched to what I am still currently doing that is doubling up:
    Mon- Bis then back
    Tues- Chest then tris
    Wed- shoulders then legs
    Thurs-back then bis
    Friday- tris then chest
    Sat- legs then shoulders
    Sun- off

    I have been getting forearm pain when I do curls (EZ bar and straight bar both) and also a similar pain in my tris when I do chest-tri day. A bro of mine said that I should NOT double up similar motion groups like I do because it is a lot of stress per day on those groups which could be causing the pains. Does anybody else workout like my double up schedule? Or do most people do one major muscle group a day?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    also Im 22 lifting 8 years now, year round athletics. 6'3" and 235 lbs. about 13% bf

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    The Shire
    damn, one day off, and up to 2 hours in the gym, i consider that too long and one day off not enough time to recuperate. I use to wkout 1-2 hours in the gym, got more results by decreasing rest between sets. Ill let one of the vets comment about your routine, nice stats by the way

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Middle of a Cornfield
    It really depends on what works for you bro. Alot of guys like doing 1 major bodypart a day, but they'll switch it up for awhile too. I'm on a push, pull, leg split right now. Here's an example of mine.
    Mon- Back, Bis
    Tues- Chest, Tris
    Wed- Legs
    Thurs- Back
    Fri- Chest, Shoulders, Traps
    Sat- Legs
    Sun- Off

    As for your forearm pain, I've gotten that in the past while doing EZ bar curls. Try lowering the weight and concentrating more on contracting your bis while doing them.

    You're about my height and weight and I can tell you that if you aren't making gains to switch your routine up. I spend about an hour, hour 15 in the gym most days, legs sometimes taking an hour and a half. If you can take 2 hours in the gym go for it, but IMO it's just catabolic to your muscles.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Middle of a Cornfield
    Also, doing arms then chest or back is almost pointless to me, as you aren't able to work your chest or back as well because your arms are already fatigued. Just my $.02

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by ChemWizard1 View Post
    My goals are to gain muscle, stay lean, and get stronger. I figure by doing each muscle group 2x a week and giving them a full 48 hours rest in between, I am able to maximize my gains? Is this correct or am overtraining? I usually lift for 1.5-2 hours each day

    I want some feedback and or critique on my workout routine.

    In college I switched to what I am still currently doing that is doubling up:
    Mon- Bis then back
    Tues- Chest then tris
    Wed- shoulders then legs
    Thurs-back then bis
    Friday- tris then chest
    Sat- legs then shoulders
    Sun- off

    I have been getting forearm pain when I do curls (EZ bar and straight bar both) and also a similar pain in my tris when I do chest-tri day. A bro of mine said that I should NOT double up similar motion groups like I do because it is a lot of stress per day on those groups which could be causing the pains. Does anybody else workout like my double up schedule? Or do most people do one major muscle group a day?
    I say go for it. You need to figure out what works for you. I just wouldnt do it forever. Maybe switch it up after like 6 weeks to a body part a week or something. One of the most important things in body building is change. Never get stuck doing same thing year round like some people mistakenly do. if you kept that same routine after like 3 months or less youll be burnt out and seeing no gains. or at the very least, very slow gains. also like someone said, dont do arms before back or chest. You want your full power for those exercises.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Lift weights, eat steaks
    I follow the same split, except mine is:

    Mon - Back then bi's (big muscle, followed by smaller muscle)
    Wed - Legs then shoulders (" " ")
    Fri - Chest then tri's (" " ")

    After that, I am a wreck. I do not see how you will be able to recover so quickly in order to do my split TWICE per week! I would advise against it.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    i agree with hamish im dead after that and hurting like hell to sore to train

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Ok thanks bros Im gonna make sure I always do big muscle then small muscle first. Ya being there for 2 hours is a little much I guess, so maybe I'll try to rest less in between sets and see how it works. Im thinking in maybe 6 weeks or so switching to one muscle group a day.

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