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Thread: Alcohol - Am I alone?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Land of milk and honey.

    Alcohol - Am I alone?

    Went out this past Saturday for dinner and a few drinks with about 15 people. Didn't plan on drinking much but I let it get out of hand. I felt too bad to workout on Sunday. Now it is 7PM monday and my stomach is still messed up. I can't believe how much a bad hangover can screw up my progress and my ability to workout. I feel like such a dipshi* for letting this happen again. Tomorrow night I have school so there goes three days without a workout, yuck.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Michigan State University
    Yeah i know how u feel, if i drink alcohol, right before i hit the sack i take in 2 liters of water plus a shit load of glutamine, from what i have heard alcohol puts your muscles in a catabolic state plus it dehydrates u like crazy.

    During the summer, me and my friend were both crazy into bodybuilding and getting getting real cut but of course we liked to party, its hard not to when a lot of girls who probably wouldn't have noticed u before start talking to u when u show off a lil muscle. Anyways, the next morning we would feel so shitty about drinking alcohol we would literally wake up with about 5 hours of sleep(alcohol messes up your sleep cycle too), and on an empty stomach, besides tons of water and glutamine, do cardio for like 1hour to an hour and half, just cuz we felt so bad

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Vegas, NV
    Antime i go out and drink i just order a water back. Harder to get your groove on with a drink in each hand and also makes me need to piss literally every 30min but keeps me hydrated and prevents any hangover symptoms

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Pasadena, Texas
    hey gang

    exactly what i was going to say. make sure you drink a good amount of water before you go to sleep and you should avoid such a hardcore hangover.

    works for me too. I just down a good glass before i crash if i remember hehe

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Fort Worth
    Haha, I've virtually stopped drinking just because I don't want it to interfere with my workouts

  6. #6
    No shit Ive gone out all nite drinking till Im blue in the faces slept for 2 hours then ran 3 miles when the vodka wore off the pain began

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Pasadena, Texas
    i limit my drinking to maybe twice a month but when i do drink i go for it.

    I watch my diet and work hard so on those rare cheat drinking days i can go for it.

    Something about bullshitting with your best friend and getting completely trashed that is so fun. hey i did give up the smokes tho haha

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Miller's Crossing
    Originally posted by Buddha_Red
    i limit my drinking to maybe twice a month but when i do drink i go for it.

    Something about bullshitting with your best friend and getting completely trashed that is so fun. hey i did give up the smokes tho haha
    Exactly. I don't drink very much(few times a month) but everytime, I have a half gallon of O2 waiting in the truck for the ride home. If I drink that, no hangovers at all.

    The smokes, well......I still hit that up after dinner.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Land of the midnight sun
    Originally posted by Strut99GT
    Haha, I've virtually stopped drinking just because I don't want it to interfere with my workouts
    I hardly drink at all these days. All in all 4 or 5 times a year...

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Michigan State University
    As long as u drink every now and then u're cool, the guys that don't drink are real uptight every now and then, and every now and then u gotta just relax and let it all out. Besides, once u start to get some nice muscles and go drinking, for some reason it makes u do stranger things.

    Also something i heard or read, there is more water in muscle cells then in fat cells, so it allows u to drink more cuz it dilutes the alcohol more.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Two comments. Saboudian you couldn't be more off base on both of your comments. I do not drink period. I have had my time with that and other narcotics and have selected a different path. Drinking and cool have no correlation bro, none. Being cool is a state of mind best achieved when sober IMO. Second, what ever you read on alchohol and intoxication in regards to muscle size in inaccurate. Your liver is a main player in intoxication. The speed of drinking, food, bodyweight, environment, drinkers expectations (believe it or not), state of health, sex of the drinker, and of course other narcotics added to the bloodstream all play a factor in getting intoxicated, not water in muscle.

    I don't mind those who choose to drink, hell my wife likes to light it up on the weekends, but don't put a "cool" label on it because that's not cool. Your a college kid so party it up if you choose too, God knows I did. Just be safe bro. Cudos to those that keep it sober.


  12. #12
    take it from someone in HS.. that means i binge drink 3-4 times a week.. and at one point (ending last sat) we binged for 25 days in a row.. getting wrecked at least once a day. Gatorade becomes your best fucking friend, big one before bed, and if you can mix your drinks with one while you drink.. otherwise just drink it as the night goes... water helps too.. it stops u from getting dehydrated and prevents hangovers.. and i just love it, cause you don't have to piss as often as with water

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