This is the kind of crap that makes people lazy. What do you all think? Muscle Science?
To Crunch Or Not To Crunch, That Is The Question.
By Carl Lanore
Everyone wants washboard abs but how exactly do you get them?
The answer has not been very clear and many professional
fitness trainers disagree about the proper way to achieve that
desirable mid section. This causes much confusion amongst
their clients. "Am I wasting my time doing hours of abdominal
work every week?"
For some time now there have been two schools of thought –
those who believe the only way to see your abs is to focus on
shedding whole-body f at levels through d iet and aerobic
exercise, and those who say that you have to do lots of
abdominal exercises to reduce the f at in you mid-section.
Up until now, many scoffed at the premise of exercise induced
spot-f at-reduction. Well the jury is finally in and it appears
that spot-f at reduction is a reality.
While whole body f at reduction is best served by reducing
caloric intake and performing aerobic exercise, there is now
evidence that the f at that is directly adjacent to the working
muscles burns at a higher rate than f at that is adjacent to
the resting muscles. It stands to reason, but until now, has
not been proven.
A study published this month by the Department of Medical
Physiology at the Panum Institute, University of Copenhagen
in Denmark showed that subjects who performed high repetition
leg extensions at varying intervals and resistance levels for
up to two hours with one leg at a time exhibited a higher
degree of f at oxidation in area directly adjacent to the
working leg muscles.
This increase in f at oxidation was irrespective to exercise
duration or intensity. The f at directly adjacent to the
working muscles burned at a higher rate than the resting
muscles. Period.
This increased f at oxidation was also associated with a
higher degree of blood flow to the local area of the working
muscles and adjacent f atty tissue. This may enhance the f ats
ability to be carried away and disposed of by the liver thus
increasing the likelihood that the f at won't simply be
re-deposited elsewhere.
The take away from this study is very clear and should put
the debate over exercise induced spot-f at reduction to rest
once and for all. If you want to rid yourself of the f at
that covers a specific area of your body, such as your abs,
you'll have the greatest success if you focus on exercises
that work the muscles directly adjacent to the problem area.
If you want washboard abs you'll have to start doing more
abdominal work.