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Thread: sets!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2002

    Question sets!

    Is it just me or does anyone else only get sore the next day if they do ony upward of at least 8 sets of between 8 and 12 reps? I find I don't grow any with only 4 sets, I figure as many as I'm doing would be overtraining but, I'm only sore the next day if I really push my body really hard with that many sets.....
    does anyone else have this problem?
    I feel I can do much more, especially my chest, I have done up to 12 sets and spent up to an hour just on my chest, it feels really good.
    I only work one body part a week, so I figured it would work.
    I'm probably way over training, but I need that soreness the next day.
    Even with heavier wieght, I need the hight sets for the soreness.
    Anyones opinion is welcome.
    By the way, I'm also on Anadrol, and sustanon.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    try adding alot more weight to do the smaller sets. heres what i do, i start out with a set of 12, then a set of 8, then set of 6 then 4 then 2 then 1 and then one more set of 8, use alot of weight tho, itll burnout ur chest.... PS. dont do it with out a spot.

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