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Thread: My first cycle: Completely rethinking my workout

  1. #1

    My first cycle: Completely rethinking my workout

    Any feedback on this workout plan would be greatly appreciated. Also, a few friends who've done cycles in the past have told me to work out twice a day to maximize gains: good idea?

    Sun: triceps + (arm independent) back
    Mon: biceps + (arm independent) shoulders
    Tue: chest
    Wed: abs
    Thu: back
    Fri: shoulders + chest
    Sat: rest

  2. #2
    Oh and my cycle consists of 100 mg home-made Trenbolone Acetate + 100 mg Testosterone Propionate every other day

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    1st, what are your stats?

    2nd, tren should not be used for a first cycle

    3rd, training once per day is recommended you do not need to train 2 times a day, your muscles grow when you rest and eat.

    4th, what do you mean on your first 2 training days "arm independent"

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    dont ask for a source thx
    i would do chest and back days before you do arms(biceps/triceps) if you do arms first you will be week on your chest/back workouts.i understand you wanting to prioratize arms cus everyone wants big arms but i would keep your workouts realy basic using mostly compound movements. also i would only do every bodypart once per week and get enough food/ rest or you wont grow like kaberel said.also where do your legs fit into this. if you dont do legs then you wont reach your potential.i know you dont want to hear this but you need to get your diet and workout program on track before you hit the juice. judging from your post you are most likely not ready.respectfully ghetto.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Middle of a Cornfield
    ^^ Agree about not being ready. Almost no one who is educated in properly using anabolic steroids will recommend using tren in a first cycle. I used prop and I will be the first to tell you that I slacked hardcore on the ed shots and ended up doing a half a$$ed cycle.

    Most Important: What is your planned PCT?

  6. #6
    Thanks to ghettoboyd for the point about arms before chest, shoulders, and back; a valid point I seem to have overlooked. Now, let's start at the top. First of all, "chest/shoulders (arm independent)" means chest/shoulder exercises that don't work the biceps or triceps (peck deck, lateral flys, reverse flys, anterior flys, standing reverse incline/decline cable flies, etc.). And, my stats are 5' 10" 175-180 lbs. Second, as far as I know (and that's not saying much), the only reason not to use tren for a first cycle is because of the tolerance you build up; but since I'm not planning on doing any more cycles for some time after this, it shouldn't be an issue. Third, I worked for 18 months as a personal trainer at a major sports club, and before that, I was an all-american sprinter for an NCAA division 1 school. So, I am more than familiar with the dietary requirements of building muscle as well as almost every traditional workout routine out there. Also, I'm not focusing on my legs because I am satisfied with the size of my legs and am no longer competing in anything, thus, integrating legs into my routine would only use up valuable time and energy that could otherwise be used for working out or resting&building my upper body. Ghettoboyd in consecutive sentences says to use "mostly compound movements" and then to "do every bodypart once per week". Unless I'm mistaken, compound movements use more than one muscle-group or "body part", as ghettoboyd so eloquently put it, and would thereby undermine the goal of focusing on one muscle-group each day. The reason I suggested such a rigorous plan is twofold: I was under the impression that steroids would decrease the amount of time it took for the muscles to heal (that's what anabolic steroids do), and, both of the drugs I'm taking work quickly and fade just as quickly; supposedly allowing for tremendous gains in a short time span. Finally, my post-cycle therapy will consist of a regimen of Tamoxifen Citrate and HCG.

    I'm just looking for some sound advise on my workout. Thanks in advance.
    Last edited by mosesdude7; 12-11-2008 at 01:09 AM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    dont ask for a source thx
    Quote Originally Posted by mosesdude7 View Post
    Thanks to ghettoboyd for the point about arms before chest, shoulders, and back; a valid point I seem to have overlooked. Now, let's start at the top. First of all, "chest/shoulders (arm independent)" means chest/shoulder exercises that don't work the biceps or triceps (peck deck, lateral flys, reverse flys, anterior flys, standing reverse incline/decline cable flies, etc.). And, my stats are 5' 10" 175-180 lbs. Second, as far as I know (and that's not saying much), the only reason not to use tren for a first cycle is because of the tolerance you build up; but since I'm not planning on doing any more cycles for some time after this, it shouldn't be an issue. Third, I worked for 18 months as a personal trainer at a major sports club, and before that, I was an all-american sprinter for an NCAA division 1 school. So, I am more than familiar with the dietary requirements of building muscle as well as almost every traditional workout routine out there. Also, I'm not focusing on my legs because I am satisfied with the size of my legs and am no longer competing in anything, thus, integrating legs into my routine would only use up valuable time and energy that could otherwise be used for working out or resting&building my upper body. Ghettoboyd in consecutive sentences says to use "mostly compound movements" and then to "do every bodypart once per week". Unless I'm mistaken, compound movements use more than one muscle-group or "body part", as ghettoboyd so eloquently put it, and would thereby undermine the goal of focusing on one muscle-group each day. The reason I suggested such a rigorous plan is twofold: I was under the impression that steroids would decrease the amount of time it took for the muscles to heal (that's what anabolic steroids do), and, both of the drugs I'm taking work quickly and fade just as quickly; supposedly allowing for tremendous gains in a short time span. Finally, my post-cycle therapy will consist of a regimen of Tamoxifen Citrate and HCG.

    I'm just looking for some sound advise on my workout. Thanks in advance.
    yes u are correct that compound movments require secordary muscle use i.e tricepts during chest biceps during back but you dont fully stimulate those muscles during these exercises thats why i do my tricepts after chest but on the same day and biceps on back day. therefore i am hitting these muscles one per week.i do a shoulder day 3-4 days later so tecnically according to you im doing them 2 times in a week since thay recieve stimulation on chest day but whatever it works for me and thay are fully recovered by the time i do them.if i where you i wouldent disscredit the role of rest during a cycle cus thats when you grow.if you want to go balistic then go for it i just gave you my input to use any way you choose but i would appreciate less sarcasm. you asked a question and judging from the context of your post i assumed you didnt know all that much about what you where getting into. for that i appologize.i now realize you know it all and dont need any help from anyone on this board including me.goodluck.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    do you not have legs? If you do I would recommend putting it in your routine


    I like traps on shoulder day some like it on back, up to you.
    Better example
    Last edited by theshiz777; 12-11-2008 at 07:13 PM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Ya know if your not sprinting any more then Id def. train legs. There is a good chance you will loose size in them if your not sprinting. Second, basic compound movements, thats what build size and strength. Ive never heard of that are independent idea, and dont think thats a good idea. Its almost like your thinking to much. Stick to the basics and dont become like 90% of guys who never train legs.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    5'10" 180 pounds in my opinion means yer not ready at all for this type of cycle dude, im sure alot of other guys here would tell ya the same thing.
    Do you mind posting your diet and how long you've worked out?
    Also since you did say you were a personal trainer for 18 months, you know the importance of working your legs, even if yer satisfied with the size of them. Also you should know that you build muscle during the time yer not in the gym, therefore working out twice a day = shit in my opinion

  11. #11
    that workout is pretty crappy. where is the leg day even? way too much emphasis on the show off muscles.
    you dont need all this fancy crap to grow, just hit the heavy basic lifts with intensity and eat like its a job.

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