i do weight training 4-5 days a week and other 2 i usually just go do hour of cardio is this bad??
i do weight training 4-5 days a week and other 2 i usually just go do hour of cardio is this bad??
o and if i do weights 4 days then 3 days cardio
You grow outside the gym not while working out.
I think at least one day of rest a week is important. Also, the occasional 2-3 day off weeks. Your body grows and changes the more rest it gets. Remember everything in life is about balance. You throw your body out of balance and your body will try to correct it. Usually, in a negative fashion. One quick example is if you dont get enough rest, your body will crave energy. Which basically will lead you to splurge on carbs. You will think you suck at dieting, when all it was is you not getting enough rest.
alright so no cardio 2day, got it lol
having a day of just cardio now eights is no big deal. But just like every one said your body needs rest. I always have one or two days of nothing for rest
I believe in a 2 on 1 off theory allowing the body to recuperate and grow
i don't think its bad to WO 4/5 days and cardio 2 days. Just make sure to take some glutamine and aminos before that cardio.
I guess its all up to how recovered you feel.
But you need to rest.
i know i need to rest a lot, take like 3 mins between sets (on basics) 5 between excersises and never train more that two days without a rest day and never ever trained more than 4 days. I would alse take 1 week of rest or more if necesary every 3 months or so.
your body will quickly adapt to that and make it it's norm. I see no problem as long as your time out of the gym you get adequate sleep and rest and of course proper nutrition.
agaree with jimminkedup you need to make sure your eating enough and properly so your body has everything necassary to recover
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