Okay so im starting to doubt my workout. i can only train each muscle once a week because im sore for about 6 days after and yes im eating right and sleeping 8 hours a night. Can you please critique my split and give any/all advice

love u guys
My workout goes:
(Note all sets are 8-12 reps)
Monday - Chest and Bi's
4 x Incline bench
4 x flat bench
4 x flat flys
Sometimes 2 or 3 more sets either cables or declince bench
3 x Hammer curl
3 x curls
3 x preacher curl
3 x incline curls or 3 x cable curls
Tuesday - OFF
Wed - Back and tri's
3 x Skull crushers
3 x cable press down things
4 x pull overs (with the rope where u stand and lean forward and pull the rope from behind you to infront of you- dont no wat there called)
4 x deadlifts
4 x lat pull downs
4 x T-bar
3 x rows
Thurs - OFF
Fri - Legs shoulders
4 x military press
3 x rear flys
3 front raises
4 x squats
4 x leg press
3 x leg extenstions or lunges
5 x calves
4 x hamstring curls
Sat - OFF
Sun - ABS
4 x abs
Im really not seein much growth for how hard im workin out in the gym - workouts usually take 90 mins. Am i goin to hard - i wants to be able to workout each muscle twice a week but am always too sore from the last workout.
Any advice of opinions on my workout.