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Thread: Workout??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2004


    Was wondering what you guys thought of this 16 week muscle building plan. I'm on week 2! I finally had the time to fix it up so it's easier to read. Letme know what you think!

    Exercise Set Reps rest

    Week 1&2 Mon -Thur
    A1: DB Press 3 6-8
    A2: Band Row 3 6-8 2min

    B1:Pull Up 3 6-8
    B2: DB Shoulder Press 3 6-8 2min

    C1: DB Bi Curl 2 6-8
    C2: Tri Ext(Skull crushers) 2 6-8

    A1, A2, A3 etc are supersets. Superset simply means performing one set of each exercise in a circuit
    format, until you have completed all the work sets. In other words, perform two or more exercises in a
    row, followed by the recommended break.

    1: DB Squat 3 6-8 2min
    2:RDL 2 6-8 2min
    3: DB Sep ups 2 6-8 2min
    4: DB Forward Lunges: 3 6-8 2min
    5a:wall squat: 2 45sec
    5b: plank 2 45sec

    week 3&4 Mon-Thur
    A1: Bench Press 3 6-8
    A2: One Arm Bent Over Row 3 6-8 2 min
    B1: Chin Up 3 6-8
    B2: Barbell Military Press 3 6-8 2 min
    C1: Barbell Curl 2 10
    C2: Lying Tricep Dumbbell Extension 2 8-12 1 min

    A1, A2, A3 etc are supersets. Superset simply means performing one set of each exercise in a circuit
    format, until you have completed all the work sets. In other words, perform two or more exercises in a
    row, followed by the recommended break.

    1: Barbell Squat 3 6-8 2 min
    2: Sumo Deadlift 2 6-8 2 min
    3: Bulgarian Squat 3 8/ side 2 min
    4a: Wall Squat Hold 2 50 sec
    4b: Hamstring Curl 2 15-20 1 min
    5a: Calf Raise 1 10/ side
    5b: Plank 1 50 sec 1 min

    Week 5&6

    1a: Bench Press 3 5-8
    1b: Band Pres 3 20 2 min
    2a: Barbell Row 3 5-8
    2b: Band Row 3 20 2 min
    3a: Military Presss 2 5-8
    3b: Shoulder Band Press 2 20 2 min
    4a: Pull up 2 5-8
    4b: Kneeling Lat Pulldown 2 20 2 min
    5: Diamond Pushups 1 20

    A1, A2, A3 etc are supersets. Superset simply means performing one set of each exercise in a circuit
    format, until you have completed all the work sets. In other words, perform two or more exercises in a
    row, followed by the recommended break.

    1a: Front Squat 3 5-8
    1b: Jump Squat 3 20 2 min
    2a: Standard Deadlift 3 5-8
    2b: Hamstring Curl 3 20 2 min
    3a: Dumbbell Step Up 2 5-8
    3b: Forward Dumbbell Lunges 2 20 2 min
    4a: Calf Raise (dumbbell) 1 5-8
    4b: Plank 1 45 sec 1 min

    Week 7&8

    1a: Bench Press 3 5-8
    1b: Weighted Pullups 3 5-8 2 min
    2a: Military Press 3 5-8
    2b: 1-Arm Dumbbell Row 3 5-8 2 min
    3a: Tricep Dip 2 8-12
    3b: Hammer Curl 2 8-12 2 min
    4a: Barbell Wrist Curl 2 10-20
    4b: Barbell Reverse Wrist Curl 2 10-20 2 min

    A1, A2, A3 etc are supersets. Superset simply means performing one set of each exercise in a circuit
    format, until you have completed all the work sets. In other words, perform two or more exercises in a
    row, followed by the recommended break.

    1: Sumo Squat 3 5-8 2 min
    2: Barbell Squat (Not Front Squat) 3 5-8 2 min
    3a: Stiffed Leg Deadlift 3 5-8
    3b: Squat Hold 3 45 sec 2 min
    4a: Dumbbell Step Up 2 5-8
    4b Calf Raise (dumbbell) 2 8-12 90 sec
    5: Super Plank 1 10/side

    Week 9&10
    1a: Dumbbell Press 3 5-8
    1b: Weighted Pullups 3 5-8 2 min
    2a: Military Press 3 5-8
    b: Bent Over Row 3 5-8 2 min
    3a: Barbell Curl 2 10
    3b: Lying Tricep Extensio 2 8-12 1 min
    4a: Dumbbell Wrist Curl 1 10-20
    4b: Dumbbell Reverse Wrist Curl 1 10-12 1 min

    A1, A2, A3 etc are supersets. Superset simply means performing one set of each exercise in a circuit
    format, until you have completed all the work sets. In other words, perform two or more exercises in a
    row, followed by the recommended break.

    1 Front Squat 3 5-8 2 min
    2 Standard Squat 3 5-8 2 min
    3 Sumo Deadllift 3 5-8 2 min
    4 Stationary Barbell Lunges 3 10/side 2 min
    5a: Calf Raise 2 12 /side 1 min
    5b: Super Plank 2 10/side 1 min

    Week 11&12
    1a: Bench Press 3 5-8
    1b: Dumbbell Press 3 20 2 min
    2a: Barbell Bent Over Row 3 5-8
    2b: Recline Pull 3 20 2 min
    3a: Military Shoulder Press 2 5-8
    3b: Arnold Press 2 20 2 min
    4a: Chin Up 2 5-8
    4b: Pulldown 2 20 2 min
    5a: Bicep Curl 1 8-12
    5b: Tricep Dip 1 10-12

    A1, A2, A3 etc are supersets. Superset simply means performing one set of each exercise in a circuit
    format, until you have completed all the work sets. In other words, perform two or more exercises in a
    row, followed by the recommended break.

    1a: Standard Squat 3 6-8
    1b: Front Squat 3 20 2 min
    2: Standard Deadlift 3 5-8 2 min
    3: Dumbbell Step Up 3 8/ side 2 min
    4: Calf Raise 2 10/side 1 min
    5: Advanced Ball Plank 2 45 sec 1 min
    6a: Wrist Curl 2 10-12
    6b: Reverse Wrist Curl 2 10-12 1 min

    1a: Explosive Pushups 4 25
    1b: Recline Pull 4 25 90 sec
    2a: Dumbbell Shoulder Press 3 25
    2b: Pullups 3 25 90 sec
    3a: Bicep Curl 2 25
    3b: Diamon Pushups 2 25 90 sec
    4a: Advanced Plank (on the ball) 2 60 1 min

    1a: Jump Squat 3 25
    1b: Alternating Split Jump Squat 3 25 90 sec
    2: Standard Deadlift 3 20 2 min
    3a: Dumbbell Step Up 3 20/ side
    3b: Hip Bridge 3 20 90 sec
    4: One Leg Calf Raise 2 20/side 1 min

    Week 15&16

    1a: Bench Press 3 5-8 60-90

    1b: One Arm Dumbbell Row 3 5-8 60-90
    1c: Miliatry Press 3 25 60-90
    1d: Pullups 3 25 60-90
    1e: Bicep Curl 3 8-12 60-90
    1f Tricep Extension 3 10-12 60-90

    1a: Barbell Squat 3 5-8 60-90
    1b: Forward Lungest 3 10 60-90
    1c: Front Squat 3 5-8 60-90
    1d: Dumbbell Jump Squat 3 10 60-90
    1e: Stationary Lunges 3 10/side 60-90
    1f: One Leg Calf Raise 3 12/side 60-90
    1g Plank 3 45 sec 60-90

    Cardio is done in intervals. First 4weeks is 3 rounds 3x' a week,4-8 is 4rounds3 x's a week, 8-12 5 rounds 4times a week, 12-16 5roundsX5x's a week
    Last edited by SP1; 01-24-2009 at 01:08 PM.

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by SP1 View Post
    Was wondering what you guys thought of this 16 week muscle building plan on this webpage; It's the first one on the page!
    i signed up to his website at

    it looks pretty good to me, but i am no expert.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2004

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    No source checks
    Can you repost this to make it easier to read lol, wow....

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    I know my bad! It was the only way to copy and paste it! You can go to and t's the 16 week muscle building plan! The first workout plan. I put that before but i wasn't getting replies so I posted the workout!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    I finally had the chance to fix it up so hopefully I cna get some thoughts on it now. Maybe someone has done something similar?

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