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Thread: Shoulders.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2008


    Hey i really need to improve my deltoid muscles and traps. What kind of workout do you guys do for shoulders? I have always been doing a military press with either dumbells or barbell, then a lateral raise with dumbells or seated raise and then rear delt machine or dumbells. I also do shrugs with barbell and upright rows on smith machine. Usually do 2-3 sets for each, very intense, failure on all sets, good form, just cant seem to get them to shape up.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by T.STEEL View Post
    Hey i really need to improve my deltoid muscles and traps. What kind of workout do you guys do for shoulders? I have always been doing a military press with either dumbells or barbell, then a lateral raise with dumbells or seated raise and then rear delt machine or dumbells. I also do shrugs with barbell and upright rows on smith machine. Usually do 2-3 sets for each, very intense, failure on all sets, good form, just cant seem to get them to shape up.
    you could integrate drops sets and pump sets into your current workout and see how that works

  3. #3
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    Nov 2007
    best exercise is power shrugs. use a barbell and load up the weight. (you can use straps but i would recommend not using them as it is a great forerm workout too)

  4. #4
    amcon's Avatar
    amcon is offline physical pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside... The pain of quiting will lasts forever!!
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    in the freaking cold
    i do :
    behind the neck military presses - two warm up sets, and 4 working sets heavy 6-10 reps

    then standing military presses bar bell - two to three sets, 6 - 10 reps note: no popping up the bar from the little jump thing some people like to do - i use all shoulders

    then up right rows - two to three sets, heavy 8 - 10 reps

    then front shoulder extentions - straight arms out to the front just above shoulder height, no swinging, just very good form, two to three sets, 10 - 12 reps.

    shoulders are done... 10 to 13 sets focused on front and middle delts

    rear delts:

    i dont know how to explaine these but here goes - rotor cuff raises - stand like front shoulder extentions and raise the weight up, exception is that you finish with your elbo at a 90 degree angle and your armpit is open (you can easily see your armpit in mirror) any ways they hit your rear delt hard... two to three sets, 8 - 12 reps

    rear dumb bell raises bent over targeting the rear delts, two to three sets, 8 - 12 reps

    and some times i will add in cable rear delt, i like to do them single arm and high reps to really make them burn and pump at the end of a great work out. one to two sets, 15 reps.

    rear delts are done 6 to 8 sets

    as for traps i have the best work out for these in my opinion!!!! first reason why i think it is the best is because #1 - i dont see any one focusing on all three parts of the trap (upper, lower, middle) here is what i do :

    first, normal shrug - barbell in front - using over hand grip and straps... three to four sets as heavy as i can go and still get 10 - 15 reps, also i am doing two warm up sets it would look like this
    w-up = 225lbs, 10 reps(just getting the muscle warmed up)
    w-up = 225lbs, 20 reps(now i am getting a little pump)
    first working set:
    405 for 15 reps with a real good hold on the top and full extention on the bottom
    495 for 12 reps ditto
    495 for 12 reps ditto
    585 for 10 reps ditto

    rear shrugs, on smith machine specifically - i grab the weight and lean a little forward so that i clears my but
    315 - 15 reps
    355 - 15 reps
    at this point i am done with this exercise or i do one or two set depending on how good they feel

    i go to the seated rowing machine, get the rope, and shrug the weight... it is an ackward movement that may take a little of getting used to but... think of it like this - you are trying to touch your shoulder blades together, imagine that you are crushing a pencil with you romboid muscles or you lower traps area, i do two to three sets 240lbs for 10 - 15 reps(i will say that it took me a couple weeks to get the "feeling" right on these, but now they maybe my fav exercise)

    then i go to the cables, place the pulley about 18 inches off the ground, again using the rope or a small straight bar... shrug the weight while i lean back, agian i am trying to hit bellow the shoulder line and in the trap... lets say the middle trap
    two to three sets max weight at 10 - 15 reps

    and at this point i just about feel like my neck is a two feet thick and the pump is amazing!!!!

    thats my shoulder and delt and trap work out... i dont do all those in same day - shrugs i normally the day before shoulders

  5. #5
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    Nov 2008
    Amcon, that looks like a good workout plan. Shrugs i do like you with barbell really squezzing at the top and full extensions. also i like to do trap work on another day too usually with back because i hit shoulders and tris. Behind the neck barbell press kind of hurts my shoulder joints, havent done them in awhile might have to try them again though and see how it goes.

  6. #6
    amcon's Avatar
    amcon is offline physical pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside... The pain of quiting will lasts forever!!
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    in the freaking cold
    Quote Originally Posted by T.STEEL View Post
    Amcon, that looks like a good workout plan. Shrugs i do like you with barbell really squezzing at the top and full extensions. also i like to do trap work on another day too usually with back because i hit shoulders and tris. Behind the neck barbell press kind of hurts my shoulder joints, havent done them in awhile might have to try them again though and see how it goes.
    if behind the neck hurts cause your tight just start light and work up... take a few weeks to get the full movement. if it hurts your joints(like you said) dont do them ... for what ever reason they feel great too me, i get yelled at by the old timers in the gym cause i do them - they all tell me my shoulders will be destroyed from doing them, well, i have been doing them for 20 years and i fine... with big shoulders. so instead do seated dumb bell presses

    so good luck

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    I cant help ya your shoulder routine looks bout like mine.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Clean & Press
    Arnold Press
    drop sets with Front, Side, and Machine Reverse Fly

    A few heavy BB shrugs
    then drop sets BB shrugs
    BB upright rows
    Last edited by xlxBigSexyxlx; 01-25-2009 at 12:03 AM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by T.STEEL View Post
    Hey i really need to improve my deltoid muscles and traps. What kind of workout do you guys do for shoulders? I have always been doing a military press with either dumbells or barbell, then a lateral raise with dumbells or seated raise and then rear delt machine or dumbells. I also do shrugs with barbell and upright rows on smith machine. Usually do 2-3 sets for each, very intense, failure on all sets, good form, just cant seem to get them to shape up.
    Dont use a smith machine for upright rows. Should be barbell, dumbbell, or cable machine only. You are missing out on the exercises benefits using a machine.

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