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Thread: workout exercises..need suggestions

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    workout exercises..need suggestions

    Wsup everyone I was wondering if my workout exercises are good

    Incline DB bench
    Incline DB flys
    Incline bb bench
    DB flat bench
    Cable cross overs

    Tris: Close-grip bench press
    overhead extension
    rope pulldown
    and sometimes skull crushers

    Tuesday: Back/bis

    Back: DB rows
    wide grip pull ups
    bent-over barbell rows
    Dead lifts
    lat pull down
    and sometimes another lat exercise

    Bis: barbell curls
    hammer curls
    rope pull up
    seated incline curls

    WED: Rest


    Hack squats
    seated calve raises
    and sometimes some BB lunges

    Friday: shoulder/traps

    Shoulders: seated dumbbell press
    front raises
    lateral raises
    bent over rear delt raise
    and sometimes behind the neck press

    For traps I do random things

    Any suggestions will be helpful, ive been working out for about 9 months now so i'm not that experienced.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2008
    North Carolina
    You might not need 5 exercises for chest. I usually feel pretty good with 4 and always get good and sore.

    I do:
    Barbell Bench(IDF)
    Dumbbell Bench(IDF) *opposite of barbell*
    Dumbbell Fly(IDF)
    Cable Fly

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    But I heard some things that say you should change your workouts for your chest often or something, I don't know..but you don't do any incline work? and what about my other exercises? are they too much or too little?

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    North Carolina
    Yea I do incline...just fyi the (IDF) stands for Incline Decline or you can alternate and switch things up every couple of weeks. I love incline and decline dumbbell fly's the most though.

    The rest of your workout seems ok, it all just depends on what you're comfortable in doing. I wouldn't recommend doing over 4 exercises per bodypart, except for back I usually do 5; and I usualy start out with deadlifts first because I like to be fresh when I do them. Doing deadlifts later on in the're going to be more exhausted and when thats the case you tend to lose discipline and your form starts to fall off...and believe don't want to mess up form on the deadlift. Just my opinion.

    I also wouldn't recommend doing any behind the neck exercises; can really wear down on the rotators.

    Changing up your workout routines is good; you don't want your body to get too used to the same routines over and over

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    I have just changed my workout a couple of weeks ago but, for chest is it suggested that you change it up every week? I usually do about 3-4 exercises per body part depending on how I feel. I think every thing is good except for my chest because people tend to change it up every week and I have no idea on what to do, and my chest is the most lagging part of my body.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2008
    North Carolina
    Since I'm here and bored, I'll show you what I do:

    Monday: Chest and Bi's (I like to do opposites rather than doing chest and tri's in the same workout)
    -Barbell Bench (IDF=Incline Decline or Flat)
    -Dumbbell Bench (IDF-opposite of what you do on the barbell)
    -Dumbbell Fly (IDF)
    -Cable Fly/Crossover

    *Warmup 2 x 25-30 dumbbell curls followed by:
    -2 x 8-10 heavy dumbbell curls
    -Standing or Preacher barbell/EZ bar
    -Concentration Curl (Or preacher concentrations if you do standing barbell)
    -Some type of cable curl

    Tuesday: Legs (Heavy)
    *2 x 20-25 warmups on leg extensions
    -Leg Press
    -Leg extension (heavy)
    -Calves of choice

    Wednesday: Shoulders and Tri's
    *Warmup with any type of shrugs
    -Seated military press (Smith machine, free weight, or dumbbell)
    -Lateral Raises
    -Front Raises
    -Upright Rows(usually every other week..don't wanna overtrain the front delts)

    -Straight bar pressdowns
    -Close grip press
    -Skull crushers OR overhead dumbbell press
    -Single arm concentration pulldowns or dip machine or free weight dips

    Thursday: Back and Rear Delts
    -Deadlifts (I like to do a 3 week split because heavy deads every week is a lot of pressure on the spine; So I do 1 week heavy 1 week light 1 week off, then repeat)
    -Lat pull downs
    -Seated Cable Rows (close grip)
    -Bent over barbell rows or T-bar rows
    -Reverse cable crossovers or reverse peck deck or bent over rear delt raises

    Friday: Hamstrings, Light leg work
    *warmups 2 x 20 seated hamstring curls
    -lying hamstring curls
    -wide stance leg press
    -lunges alternated every other week with stiff leg deadlifts
    -light leg extensions with a set of rest/pause reps
    -calves of choice

    ...I think thats it....
    Last edited by Bigzrs01; 01-26-2009 at 11:39 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2008
    North Carolina
    Quote Originally Posted by wizard55 View Post
    I have just changed my workout a couple of weeks ago but, for chest is it suggested that you change it up every week? I usually do about 3-4 exercises per body part depending on how I feel. I think every thing is good except for my chest because people tend to change it up every week and I have no idea on what to do, and my chest is the most lagging part of my body.
    I would stick with any routine for about 1-2 months then slightly alter it so it will "shock" your muscles

    Are you looking to add size or strength? or both? I guess both would be the most chosen lol

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    im looking for size and strength lol, like everyone else haha. I'm thinking of just alternating every week from db to bb bench. I will change my whole workout routine in about a month or two. I generally change my workouts every 12 weeks or so.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    North Carolina
    Cool deal. I personally feel that dumbbell benches and dumbbell fly are best for adding size to the pecs; barbell will aid you a lot better on the strength side.

    Good luck with the training...and post some stats too! as well as your intended diet!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    my stats are

    166 at the moment (bulking till 175)
    10-12% bf

    Diet doesn't consist of much sometimes basic repitions of meals.

    Meal1: 1 1/2 cups of egg whites and 1-2 whole eggs
    two servings of oatmeal or grits

    Post workout: 2 scoops of whey protein/mixed with oats

    Meal3: 1 serving brown rice
    6-8 oz of lean ground turkey

    Meal 4: Usually same meal as above or 12 oz of lean ground turkey

    Meal 5: 1-2 servings brown rice
    6 oz ground turkey
    Meal6: either cottage cheese or 2 scoops of whey. Whichever I feel like eating

    My diet is very repetitive, but I don't mind eating the same thing over and over again

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2008
    North Carolina
    Not bad..1-2 servings of brown rice might be a little much for a 5th meal..depends on how late you are eating that meal. Yams are also a good carb source. Don't drink Whey before want a casein (slow release) protein before bed...the cottage cheese is fine. Where's your greens at?! Throw some broccoli in there man! Post workout be sure to get a high protein high carb drink and your 3rd meal(in your case) should be 1 hour after your workout. Optimum Nutrition makes a great post workout product called Recovery 2:1:1

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Yeah, I eat yams sometimes but I don't really like how they taste haha. The type of protein I take has different blends of protein and is sustained release, I take BSN syntha-6. I add in oats for my postworkout to give me some carbs with the protein. As far as the greens go, what do they do? I have no idea at all.

  13. #13
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    Jan 2009
    One thing I do not have any idea of is a cutting diet. Im going to start cutting in about 2 or so months, what do you think would be an appropriate diet for my stats?

  14. #14
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    North Carolina
    Quote Originally Posted by wizard55 View Post
    Yeah, I eat yams sometimes but I don't really like how they taste haha. The type of protein I take has different blends of protein and is sustained release, I take BSN syntha-6. I add in oats for my postworkout to give me some carbs with the protein. As far as the greens go, what do they do? I have no idea at all.
    Greens as in vegetables. Vegetables contain so much of your needed vitamins and minerals, and some are excellent sources of fiber as well. Don't rely on a multi vitamin for your nutrients(though a multi vitamin is highly recommended for anybody). You want to make sure you get some good nutrients from food sources too. You know that old saying how moms are always trying to get their kids to eat their would be a good time to listen lol

  15. #15
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    North Carolina
    Quote Originally Posted by wizard55 View Post
    One thing I do not have any idea of is a cutting diet. Im going to start cutting in about 2 or so months, what do you think would be an appropriate diet for my stats?
    Best advice would be to go to the "Diet" section of these forums I'm sure there are plenty of cutting diet threads. Though if you're only 166lbs 5'9 and 10-12%BF I don't see why you would want to cut.

  16. #16
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    Jan 2009
    Do you know any specific vegetables that I should eat? I'm still bulking at the moment till about 175-180 but, I want to be about 8% bf or lower for the summer time. I just feel like I should cut because ive been bulking for over 7-8 months now lol.

  17. #17
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    Jan 2009
    I just weighed myself and im about 160-9 right now..only a few more pounds till I reach my goal

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by wizard55 View Post
    Do you know any specific vegetables that I should eat? I'm still bulking at the moment till about 175-180 but, I want to be about 8% bf or lower for the summer time. I just feel like I should cut because ive been bulking for over 7-8 months now lol.
    Take a look at this article...

  19. #19
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    North Carolina
    When you plan to cut down, I would completely cut out any red meat if you eat any now, and replace it with either fish or chicken.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    I am planning to eat more chicken breast and tuna along with some fat free ground turkey. I Just made one serving of brocolli with my turkey haha. It tastes great.

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