anybody ever used these in place of regulars for an extended period of time (meaning more than just "yeah i tried them once or twice") ???
anybody ever used these in place of regulars for an extended period of time (meaning more than just "yeah i tried them once or twice") ???
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I use them in addition to regular ... they target the lower to mid thigh area more than a conventional squat ...
Similar to hacks ..... main thing is to focus on your stance .... stand up straight and keep the bar back at your neck .... \
good luck ..
when i was olympic lifting i did them everyweek. backsquats on tues, frontsquats on fri. they are hard, especially in the beginning when you are not only lifting the weight but balancing the bar
i do front squats on a regular basis, they target my hip flexors and quads because im a sprinter. they help me get stronger on olympic lifts, like cleans and snatches. in my opinion they work more sport specifically than back squats.
ahhhh. a post about front squats, cleans and snatches. i feel at home here.
Yes, I use them every week in my leg routine.
I use very strict form, and keep a narrow stance.
I love the way it blast my mid-quads.
I was wondering about doin them myself i was told if i did them with the feet together they would target the butt what are your opinions
Ms Figure
i usually use a shoulder width stance. it's a nice compromise
You can do Fronts on the Smith Machine .... This also allows you to take an extra step foreward , lean back into the bar and blast those quads at 2 points ...good luck
MM when i say front squats i am referring to when you hold the bar in front of you (on your chest/shoulders)...well not really there but you know what i am talking about
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