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Thread: New Workout Program.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    New Workout Program.

    Hey guys i am planning on switching up my workout program here this week. It will look like this-

    Mon- Rest
    Tues- Legs/calves
    Wedn- Shoulders/triceps
    Thurs- Rest
    Fri- Rest
    Sat- Back/traps
    Sun- Chest/biceps

    Legs- barbell squats, leg press, hamstring curls, leg extension
    calves- standing, seated

    Shoulders- standing barbell military press, arnold press, cable lateral raise, dumbell rear delt raise
    triceps- close grip bench, dips weighted, rope pushdowns

    Back- pullups/weighted, deadlifts, bent over barbell row, seated row
    traps- behind back shrugs on smith, upright rows barbell

    Chest- incline bench, seated chest press, incline dumbell flys, cable crossovers
    biceps- pullups weighted, incline dumbell curls, barbell preacher curl

    Plan on doing like a 10-8-6-4 routine for the first exercise of each muscle, then like a 10-8-6 for the rest and maybe a 12-10-8 for the smaller muscle groups. what do you guys think? Switch an exercise around or add something different in? plan on bulking up.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Space Coast, FL
    It looks like a really solid program to me. The only changes that I might consider would be to eliminate the cable lateral raises for shoulders and the cable crossovers for chest. Cable work has it's place, but not so much in a bulking routine. I wouldn't even worry about adding anything in their place. Three exercises each for chest and shoulders should be plenty if you are giving maximum effort every set. If you really want to add another exercise for your chest, you might want to add some dips. I know you are already doing them for triceps, but they are also a good for your chest if you do them correctly (what I mean by this is that if you do them straight up and down, you will really target the triceps, but if you lean forward with your legs behind you, it will be more like a decline press and involve much more of your chest). The only other thing that I see with your program is that you are doing weighted pullups for your back and then again the next day for your biceps. Pullups will definitely work your back and biceps, but I'm not sure why you would do them 2 days in a row. I like the incline dumbell curls and barbell preacher curls for the biceps. These 2 exercises alone are probably enough for the biceps, but if you really want to add something else, maybe try some hammer curls or reverse curls to work the forearms a little more.

  3. #3
    I myself, as many others agree, never advocate the chest & bis or back & tris routines. You do not need to hit you biceps or triceps twice a week. You are doing back on saturday, which indirectly (way more than you thing) work your biceps. Then you turn around and do Biceps the very next day. It may be good for a 2 week change but in the long run, if you follow this routine, your biceps will suffer greatly. JMO
    Last edited by Diamonds08; 02-01-2009 at 01:05 PM.

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