Its just my Bicep / Back day but what do u guys think... any help would be awsome.
Incline Curls 3 sets of 8
Hammer Curls 3 sets of 8
Preacher Curls 3 sets of 8
Single arm Cable Curls 3 sets of failure
Forearm Curls 4 sets of failure
Iso Lateral Row 4 sets of 6
T Bar Row 4 sets of 6
Lat Pull Down (Wide) 4 sets of 6
Lat Pull Down (Close) 4 sets of 6
15 Min Running
10 Min Bike
I group my days like so :
Il post my other routines soon
What do i need to change ? add ? take off ?
I think im gunna start doing dead lift, ive never tried it before...