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Thread: Workout Routinee Change

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Workout Routinee Change

    Hello everyone.. I am 20 years old weigh 160 pounds and workout regularly everyday. I am looking to get into a great routine for everyday workouts. I wanted to know if anyone could give me advice on (a) what days to do what body part and (b) what body parts are best to workout together in the same day. (c) I was also wondering if it would benefit me to go to the gym twice a day (morning and night) for a week then switch off to once a week the next and do that on and off. (d) how many times should i drink a protein shake a day? healthy foods/drinks to consume. Any information is appreciated fellas. Thank You!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    The Mighty Midwest
    For starters, how long have you been lifting seriously? BF%? What are your goals from this workout regimen, do you want to bulk, cut, or bulk then cut? Is this for bodybuilding or some athletic endeavor?

    To answer a couple of your questions a) it will not help to go to the gym twice a day. You cannot recover that quickly b) protein shake consumption depends on the person and the diet.

    Your diet is probably more important than anything you do at the gym, no matter your goals. No amount of fancy Jay Cutler workout routines will help if your diet sucks. Post up a sample diet of yours and answer those questions up top so we can get a better idea of what you need. Keep liftin

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