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  1. #1
    jbnorthstar is offline New Member
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    cycle questions froma newbie

    hello everyone.
    i hope i can get some help here. i am a newbie (green,fresh....whatever).
    i have some knowledge but obviously not enough of what i need to do to achieve my goals and too many opinions from out of shape friends.
    i just turned 45 and now weigh 205lbs with 27% body fat and i stand at 5'9''.
    i have not worked out or taken care of myself the last 4 years or so and it showed.
    my doctor recently put me on blood pressure pills and aspirin ed ( concerned about the ticker,just in case) he put me on a low carb diet and ordered me to the gym last month ( lost 11 lbs since then).
    hey, i have always been one of those guys that goes on a tear at the gym for 4-6 months, gets results and then stops for a year. not anymore.
    my goal is to lose 2-3 inches around my waist, drop 10% bf and hopefully get to 185lbs. i don't have the best cardio or endurance but have been working on it.
    i started taking m1t ed along with dhea. i am also taking cla with my meals and milk thistle for the liver. i have novedex but not sure if i should wait till i am done with 4 full weeks of m1t. (started that cycle 2 weeks ago).
    i am looking at taking beastdrol ( any thoughts?)
    what do you think people? am i doing things right in your opinion? the thought was doing that cycle for 4 weeks then 2 weeks of novedex.
    i am eating 6 meals a day (trying to stay under 1500 calories)
    thanks for your input. sorry for the long post.

  2. #2
    D7M's Avatar
    D7M is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer (RETIRED)
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    I don't know too much about PH...maybe someone will chime in. I tend to think they will make you retain more water than you'd like.

    Diet and cardio all I'd suggest.

    You might want to check out the diet forum, bro.

  3. #3
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    Welcome, proper diet and training are all you need to be using at this time. You need to naturally drop your bf down to a reasonable level, even using prohormones in your current condition could have some very bad effects.

  4. #4
    jbnorthstar is offline New Member
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    so i should drop the ph for now? thanks guys, i submit to the experts...maybe in the future? i would like to look good on the beach

  5. #5
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    Keep track of your blood pressure, many ph's raise it and the effect can be compounded by high bf. Personally I would save them until you can get your bf down to around 15%, but provided your bp is ok and you feel good that choice will be up to you.

  6. #6
    StritationOrBust's Avatar
    StritationOrBust is offline Associate Member
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    I'm curious. Did you consult your doctor before starting this? Not trying to judge, just wondering what he would have said. Btw in the future try posting questions abuot substances in the steroid q&a forum as you will get a much better response. This part of the forum is quite less active.

  7. #7
    ray0414's Avatar
    ray0414 is offline Member
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    i agree i would drop the m1t. good ole diet and excersize is your prescription right now. the more you drop naturally the easier it will stay off. your best bet may be a fat burner though. some type of caffiene stuff that will get you going. u can try hydroxycut or lipo6 or lipoflame.

  8. #8
    ottomaddox's Avatar
    ottomaddox is offline "Better Safe Than Sorry"
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    Novedex is not going to be strong enough after an M1T cycle, that stuff is poison, it will shut you down hard and recovery can take months if not done right. Educate before you medicate.

    Quote Originally Posted by jbnorthstar View Post
    hello everyone.
    I started taking m1t ed along with dhea. i am also taking cla with my meals and milk thistle for the liver. i have novedex but not sure if i should wait till i am done with 4 full weeks of m1t. (started that cycle 2 weeks ago).

  9. #9
    rickrick55's Avatar
    rickrick55 is offline Associate Member
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    you also need to work on your diet..under 1500 calories? how do you have any energy at all? are you still alive?

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