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  1. #1
    tjpatrick1987 is offline Associate Member
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    Skinny Guy needs guidence********

    Ok guys , ill really need help..i decided to put this on the workout questions but its a bit of everything so excuse me.. i've came a long way with lifting and dieting.. but for almost 6 months i have not gained a pound....i can not afford to eat anymore and a gave up lifting for strength to get my technique 100%... everything i try fails... i feel i have been very patient and im doing it naturally when there are all these guys doin Steroids to get big. I feel cheated because i am dedicated and give 200%. i eat 3500 calories a day of good healthy clean food... i shyt about 3 times a day because this... i cant afford nor physical force feed myself anymore. if you saw how skinny i was and all the food i eat you would think i was crazy. im 22 my body should easily grow.... i have a hell of alot of knowledge and i already know some of the responses i will get with this... but im not complaining im Explaining.. i already drink whey and creatine makes me sick..
    6'1 152. i just wanna hit 180 and id be happy. i started almost 2 years ago at 120..... i dont know what else i can do anybody give a brotha some help ....please someone take me under your wing ... i need help...any pills...tests.. anything?????
    Im starting to turn desperate..
    Last edited by tjpatrick1987; 03-20-2009 at 06:48 PM.

  2. #2
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    I would be interested in seeing what Phate and others would think of your diet. You should start a thread in the diet section and post your complete daily diet for review.

  3. #3
    Darksyde's Avatar
    Darksyde is offline Member
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    there is no way around the time it takes to gain quality muscle mass. steroids are a shortcut that a lot of people try, unfortunately they often find at the end of that shortcut there is a mugger just waiting to take their gains away. you have gained 32 pounds in two years, i dont see why you can't repeat that process over the next two, or do even better as you have probably learned more about how to eat and train. plateaus happen, muscle and strength training doesnt always follow a steady upward curve of progress. your body needs time to grow and adapt. as big said lets see your current routines (diet and exercise) and see if there is something we can suggest.

  4. #4
    Phate's Avatar
    Phate is offline Got Diet? ~VET~ AR Hall of Famer~
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    Quote Originally Posted by tjpatrick1987 View Post
    Ok guys , ill really need help..i decided to put this on the workout questions but its a bit of everything so excuse me.. i've came a long way with lifting and dieting.. but for almost 6 months i have not gained a pound....i can not afford to eat anymore and a gave up lifting for strength to get my technique 100%... everything i try fails... i feel i have been very patient and im doing it naturally when there are all these guys doin Steroids to get big. I feel cheated because i am dedicated and give 200%. i eat 3500 calories a day of good healthy clean food... i shyt about 3 times a day because this... i cant afford nor physical force feed myself anymore. if you saw how skinny i was and all the food i eat you would think i was crazy. im 22 my body should easily grow.... i have a hell of alot of knowledge and i already know some of the responses i will get with this... but im not complaining im Explaining.. i already drink whey and creatine makes me sick..
    6'1 152. i just wanna hit 180 and id be happy. i started almost 2 years ago at 120..... i dont know what else i can do anybody give a brotha some help ....please someone take me under your wing ... i need help...any pills...tests.. anything?????
    Im starting to turn desperate..
    post a pic and EVERYTHING you eat tomorrow in the diet forum for critique, i'm sure we can help you, just be patient, remember, bodybuilding is a marathon, not a spring, patience will be rewarded

    Quote Originally Posted by Big View Post
    I would be interested in seeing what Phate and others would think of your diet. You should start a thread in the diet section and post your complete daily diet for review.
    i look forward to seeing it as well

    Quote Originally Posted by Darksyde View Post
    there is no way around the time it takes to gain quality muscle mass. steroids are a shortcut that a lot of people try, unfortunately they often find at the end of that shortcut there is a mugger just waiting to take their gains away. you have gained 32 pounds in two years, i dont see why you can't repeat that process over the next two, or do even better as you have probably learned more about how to eat and train. plateaus happen, muscle and strength training doesnt always follow a steady upward curve of progress. your body needs time to grow and adapt. as big said lets see your current routines (diet and exercise) and see if there is something we can suggest.
    agreed 100%^^^^^

  5. #5
    tjpatrick1987 is offline Associate Member
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    ok ill post in the morning......... but i have had novasteppp and Nark go over my diet many times before and tweak it.. the hardest thing is eating all the time because for example right now its almost 6 am and ill prolly wont wake up till 3 pm. I have a lifestyle i have got to live i need structure, money, more time in my day ..just like everyone.with life things can get complicated.. alot of people think (o just carry a lunchbox)...something like its that simple. its almost irrating that things arent that easy.... it never is there is always a curveball. so i just always try to do the best i can but everynow and then i have got to regroup. listen im to the point were i dont care if i put on any fat at all just so damn skinny... im pretty active and i dont see myself ever getting fat..... so would throwing in junkyfood help me as crazy as that sounds???
    Last edited by tjpatrick1987; 03-21-2009 at 03:56 AM.

  6. #6
    luxifer93's Avatar
    luxifer93 is offline Senior Member
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    If your diet isn't helping you may have a thyroid issue. I knew a guy I worked with who had a messed up thyroid and he ate all kinds of junk food and was skinny as a rail. 3500 calories isn't that much, I would think you'd need way more.

  7. #7
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
    Ronnie Rowland is offline Author of Functional Training with a Fork
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    Exclamation Not a big problem at all...

    Quote Originally Posted by tjpatrick1987 View Post
    Ok guys , ill really need help..i decided to put this on the workout questions but its a bit of everything so excuse me.. i've came a long way with lifting and dieting.. but for almost 6 months i have not gained a pound....i can not afford to eat anymore and a gave up lifting for strength to get my technique 100%... everything i try fails... i feel i have been very patient and im doing it naturally when there are all these guys doin Steroids to get big. I feel cheated because i am dedicated and give 200%. i eat 3500 calories a day of good healthy clean food... i shyt about 3 times a day because this... i cant afford nor physical force feed myself anymore. if you saw how skinny i was and all the food i eat you would think i was crazy. im 22 my body should easily grow.... i have a hell of alot of knowledge and i already know some of the responses i will get with this... but im not complaining im Explaining.. i already drink whey and creatine makes me sick..
    6'1 152. i just wanna hit 180 and id be happy. i started almost 2 years ago at 120..... i dont know what else i can do anybody give a brotha some help ....please someone take me under your wing ... i need help...any pills...tests.. anything?????
    Im starting to turn desperate..
    1) Stop the creatine if it's making you sick. Creatine can cause stomach upset and keep you from eating.

    2) Train only 3 days per week to burn off less calories. Check out the 3 day per week "Slingshot Training System" located at the top of this forum!

    3) Add olive oil to your food to increase calories by 500-1000 per day and keep protein shakes to only 2 per day to avoid bloating.

    4) I've had clients who who at roughly 6500 cals per day (double than what you are taking in) yet they still could not gain. I sent them to an enodcrinologist and most had a hyperactive thyroid.

    5) Steroids do not make you gain weight-food does! Use extra virgin olive oil in your meals and you will gain. You can even put it in protein shakes and drink it. Peanut butter and peanut butter shakes made with ice cream also works great. You won't gain eating only clean foods like me because of your metabolic rate. Eat more fast food as well.

  8. #8
    moregunsthanroses's Avatar
    moregunsthanroses is offline Associate Member
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    I was thinking a thyroid issue myself, possibly a tapeworm.

    Are there any other symptoms your experiening other then the ability not to gain muscle while eating alot of food and training properly?

  9. #9
    tjpatrick1987 is offline Associate Member
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    [QUOTE=Ronnie Rowland;4513830]1) Stop the creatine if it's making you sick. Creatine can cause stomach upset and keep you from eating. i had to stop taking it because as you said it stops me from eating

    2) Train only 3 days per week to burn off less calories. Check out the 3 day per week "Slingshot Training System" located at the top of this forum! Like This Idea it makes sense

    3) Add olive oil to your food to increase calories by 500-1000 per day and keep protein shakes to only 2 per day to avoid bloating.i am bloated constantly at my size and i dont think there is much i can do about it because of my cal intake
    I wish i had a way to post pictures i am gunna try and get some off of facebook. I have been thinking thyroid for a long time now but my doctors a duche and just thinks im being self conciese and its hard to get through to him... 3500 to me seems like a giagantic pile than consumes most of my day to eat at 7meals/500 will make the push to fit in maybe 7meals/600cals.....thankyou fellas

  10. #10
    luxifer93's Avatar
    luxifer93 is offline Senior Member
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    Did you post your diet yet?

  11. #11
    tjpatrick1987 is offline Associate Member
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    i will not be posting my diet... your gunna have to trust me its fine.....i have had it reviewed 100 times from the pro's on this site...a couple of my meal plans are probably in my history a couple months back though . i took thier advice an nothing has changed........
    C:\Documents and Settings\Timothy\My...y Phone Camera
    hey guys i finally managed to get some pictures using my buddys phone

  12. #12
    tjpatrick1987 is offline Associate Member
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    damn i cant figure it out and i gotta go ...ill try again later...

  13. #13
    luxifer93's Avatar
    luxifer93 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by tjpatrick1987 View Post
    i will not be posting my diet... your gunna have to trust me its fine.....i have had it reviewed 100 times from the pro's on this site...a couple of my meal plans are probably in my history a couple months back though . i took thier advice an nothing has changed........
    C:\Documents and Settings\Timothy\My...y Phone Camera
    hey guys i finally managed to get some pictures using my buddys phone
    Well, if you're still eating 3500 calories I'm pretty sure your diet is NOT fine, but whatever, good luck.

  14. #14
    jamyjamjr is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big View Post
    I would be interested in seeing what Phate and others would think of your diet. You should start a thread in the diet section and post your complete daily diet for review.
    omg BIG!!! your outta the q & a section... now who let you outta your cage??? weren't we just having a convo about this on a thread i started a bit ago????


    glad to see your out in diff places giving out that platnum advice, we can all use it....

  15. #15
    tjpatrick1987 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by luxifer93 View Post
    Well, if you're still eating 3500 calories I'm pretty sure your diet is NOT fine, but whatever, good luck.
    come on man, really!!! take the time to read the thread if your gunna give advice. i cannot physically eat more.. nor can i afford it cause i have no job.... and i already said i was guna try and bump my cal intake to 4200.i have already posted my diets i told you were to find them if ur that interested.. FALLENWYVERN, NARK, AND NOVASTEP have all corrected my diet... i need no help with dieting cause them are my boyz if i got questions. and they are some of the best sources anyways so dont WHATEVER me!!....This thread was trying to be unorthadox in thinking outside of the box and trying something unorthadox....just dont post if your not gunna help... people that just wanna be heard ruin this site and scare people away because the are ignorant and always gotta put thier 2 cents in were it dont belong.............THANKYOU

  16. #16
    Ironmanron is offline New Member
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    skinny guy

    The fact that you're only 22 doesnt help either. Just wait until you're 42, the you'll be begging for the reverese question!

    Your progress is good over the past two years. Keep up the work and stay focused on your goal, it will come.

  17. #17
    tjpatrick1987 is offline Associate Member
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    Iron-- i feel ya on that one.. one day i will probably be fat but right now i would like to look good for the ladies... im a little self consience about being so skinny because im pretty much bald.. skinny bald guy = kkk= not me...i want the pootang pie....

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