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  1. #1
    macktownmac's Avatar
    macktownmac is offline Associate Member
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    multiple workouts

    I do weights and cardio 6am .

    I want to incorporate another workout in the PM (6pm), i still have tonnes of energy, and my muscle fatigue is pretty much fully gone by that time.

    Can I safely add another workout in the PM? if so.. is it best to do another muscle group? or is working the same ones I did in the AM good?

    I am planning a (Tren +Prop) cycle as soon.. so my chances of over taining then will be much less... what are my limitations when on a cycle?

  2. #2
    GT2's Avatar
    GT2 is offline Senior Member
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    Lift weights, eat steaks
    Most people don’t let the body parts they’ve trained fully recover and recuperate before training that body part again. When you train each body part less frequently, you will have more strength during each body part's workout. If you successfully overload the muscles with heavier weights, you will stimulate more growth over time. There is no need for am AND pm workouts. If you train heavy, intensely, and leave nothing in the tank, you shouldnt physically be able to train more than 3-4 days a week.

    If you are training intensely enough, you will be too sore to train more than that. IMO, intensity can be described as giving 100% of your mind, body, and soul to every repetition, every set, every exercise, and every workout.

  3. #3
    macktownmac's Avatar
    macktownmac is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hamish&Andy View Post
    Most people don’t let the body parts they’ve trained fully recover and recuperate before training that body part again. When you train each body part less frequently, you will have more strength during each body part's workout. If you successfully overload the muscles with heavier weights, you will stimulate more growth over time. There is no need for am AND pm workouts. If you train heavy, intensely, and leave nothing in the tank, you shouldnt physically be able to train more than 3-4 days a week.

    If you are training intensely enough, you will be too sore to train more than that. IMO, intensity can be described as giving 100% of your mind, body, and soul to every repetition, every set, every exercise, and every workout.
    Thanks for the reply..
    when i train, i dont know if I give %100 mind+body+soul to each rep... (something I will become more conscious of doing now) But at the end of the workout I'm at the point where I cannot do even one more rep... I have a desk job.. so I sit around most of the day.. by the end of the day.. I feel recovered again.

  4. #4
    StritationOrBust's Avatar
    StritationOrBust is offline Associate Member
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    Are you lifting heavy? If your doing a full workout with sets of 6-8 on a 4-5 day split then you shouldn't have this feeling of recovery in 12 hours. What kind of rest time do you take between sets. I would suggest 45-90 seconds if your endurance is so good.

    If you really want to workout twice a day then split up your cardio and weight training. This should allow you to get a little more out of each type of training anyways. I've always suggested that people do them seperate but its not always practical.

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