Background: I weigh about 220 right now and max. bench around 270. All my muscle groups are about the same strength proportionately except back (which is really strong) and my arms (which lag a bit). I am down from 332 and my max was around 340. So, after cutting all this way I am trying to build back my strength.
Heres The Routine ... Flame away .. I wanna know all the flaws.
Monday - Chest
Warm up - 2 sets of pushups, 20 each set
Work Sets
Flat Bench - 3 sets, 8-12, 6-10, 4-8
Incline Bench - 3 Sets, 8-12, 6-10, 4-8
Decline Dumbells - 3 Sets, 8-12, 6-10, 4-8
Dumbell Flys - 3 Sets, 10 - 15
Tuesday - Back
Warm up - 1 Set Lat Pulldowns, 10 (Real light)
1 Set Cable Rows, 10 (Light)
Work Sets
T-Bar - 3 Sets Wide Grip, 6-10, 6-10, 4-8
3 Sets Narrow Grip, 6-10, 6-10, 4-8
Cable Rows - 3 Sets, 6-10, 6-10, 4-8
Lat Pulldowns - 3 Sets, 8-12, 6-10, 6-10
Extensions - 3 Sets, 15-20
Wednesday - Legs
Warm up - 5 minute Light Jog
Work Sets
Squats - 4 Sets, 8-12, 6-10, 6-10, 4-8
Lunges - 3 Sets, 10-15 (1=Movement by both legs)
Hamstring Curls - 3 Sets, 8-12
Calves - 3 Sets 25-30
Thursday - Shoulders
Warm up - Pushups - 2 Sets, 20
Work Sets
Seated Military Press - 3 Sets, 8-12, 6-10, 4-8
Seated Dumbell Press - 3 Sets, 6-10, 6-10, 4-8
Shrugs - 3 Sets, 10-12, 6-10, 6-10
Front Lat. Raises - 3 Sets, 10-15
::Superset:: Side Lat. Raises, 10-15
Reverse Flys (Rear Delts.) - 3 Sets, 10-15
Friday - Arms
Warm up - Light Curls - 2 Sets, 10
Light Tri. Ext. - 2 Sets, 10
Work Sets
Barbell Curls - 3 Sets, 8-12, 6-10, 6-10
::Superset:: Skull Crushers - 3 Sets, 6-10, 6-10, 4-8
Hammer Curls - 3 Sets, 8-10 (each arm)
Preacher Curls (EZ Bar) - 3 Sets, 6-10
Close Grip Bench - 3 Sets, 6-10
::Superset:: Dips - 3 Sets, Failure
Wrist Curls - 3 Sets, 10-15
Reverse Wrist Curls - 3 Sets, 10-15
Saturday & Sunday - Rest & Recovery
Thanks guys (Tear it apart),