Hi everyone,
I know its been about a year from my last post. I just don't have as much time to post and I?m still in the learning process of working out. So I read the board from time to time.
I thought maybe someone could give me a hand I'm in the process of creating a new workout plan.
These are my stats before Thanksgiving (-:
123 pounds 5?8?
This has been the workout routine that I been following for the past months. I?m trying to hit the gym 5 days a week.
Week 1
2 sets
8-11 reps
Week 2&3
3 sets
4-7 reps
Week 4
8-11 reps
Week 5 and 6
5 sets
4-7 reps
legs,(lower body), biceps and abs
Intensive ab workout.
back,triceps and abs
Friday I repeat Monday workout. Then on the following Monday I start with Chest and Deltoids and so on?