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  1. #1
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    Problems with training 2 muscle groups on the same day?

    For as long as i can remember i have trained bi's and back on the same day. Usually 15 sets (5 exercises) on back, 9 sets (3 exercises) on bi's. Lately i've found myself wondering should i just work on back one day, and do bi's and tri's on a diff day. My bi workout does suffer a little after a big back workout, this has been apparent lately, so before i change it up, i thought i'd see what you guys think.

  2. #2
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    I don't think your bi workout is suffering from your back workout. You use a lot of your bi's on back movements. I have experimented and not even done bi's just back workouts, and it didn't have any effect on my biceps. Now I only do to bi exercises after back.

  3. #3
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    Bump for more feedback

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    eatrainrest's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hLd^ View Post
    For as long as i can remember i have trained bi's and back on the same day. Usually 15 sets (5 exercises) on back, 9 sets (3 exercises) on bi's. Lately i've found myself wondering should i just work on back one day, and do bi's and tri's on a diff day. My bi workout does suffer a little after a big back workout, this has been apparent lately, so before i change it up, i thought i'd see what you guys think.
    little too many sets IMO, and definately not a fan of working two muscle groups in the same day THAT YOU WILL USE IN BOTH. im a fan of back/chest, but anyway i would switch it up. im sure that if you had an arms day delts, bis, tris, youd see a difference in strength and size. plus your body is used to doing this because you have been doing it "since you can remember". gotta switch it up bro it will only help

  5. #5
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hLd^ View Post
    For as long as i can remember i have trained bi's and back on the same day. Usually 15 sets (5 exercises) on back, 9 sets (3 exercises) on bi's. Lately i've found myself wondering should i just work on back one day, and do bi's and tri's on a diff day. My bi workout does suffer a little after a big back workout, this has been apparent lately, so before i change it up, i thought i'd see what you guys think.
    If you are training a muscle group twice a week then it can be good practice to train the biceps on back day. When training each muscle once a week you will find it's best to separate back and biceps. Training the biceps after 15 sets for back will hold back your ability to maximize the size of your biceps.

  6. #6
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    Thanks for the feedback guys. Time to start doing bi's on a diff day to back, and tri's a diff day to chest. Noway i want to gimp myself by training bi's after a back workout anymore. I WANT THEM TO GROW!

  7. #7
    NathanSummers is offline Banned
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    Or try working chest/bis and back/tris

    One really doesn't effect the other, but hitting tris/bis on the same day make for some pretty good arm gains

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    I would suggest putting bi's on a different day completely for a few weeks. I know everyone is different but muscles will usually adapt with the training and stop growing. Try doing back and tri's..chest and bi's..Then try an arm day by itself...I completely change up my routines ever 6-8 weeks...
    Last edited by Bigpup101; 04-22-2009 at 01:49 PM.

  10. #10
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    I mostly use the Push - Pull Method. If you Do Push moves - Chest, Shoulders, Tris
    Next day do Pull Moves - Back and Biceps. The More you switch up the Work out the Better.

  11. #11
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    I did arms together with legs,twice a week. And my arms really start to grow.
    Now I do bis together with chest and its going well so far.

  12. #12
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NathanSummers View Post
    Or try working chest/bis and back/tris

    One really doesn't effect the other, but hitting tris/bis on the same day make for some pretty good arm gains
    This will work!

  13. #13
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by omna82 View Post
    I did arms together with legs,twice a week. And my arms really start to grow.
    Now I do bis together with chest and its going well so far.
    I use this same split when training each muscle twice a week on a 4 day split. Make sure and do arms first and do around 6 sets for arms per workout twice a week during a reload and only around 3 sets twice a week during a deload!

  14. #14
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    Just got home from training. I did bi's and tri's, 12 sets (4 exercises) of bi's 9 sets (3 exercises) of tri's. Wow. I was able to go a bit heavier than usual and the pump i got was out of control! Definately training bi's and tri's on their own day from now on, or like was suggested bi's with chest, tri's with back.

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