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  1. #1
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    HELP..rotator cuffs and training

    could really do with some help.
    i stopped training about a year ago cus of pains inside my shoulders.went to doc and he said it was rotator cuff injury.
    advice was rest,no lifting etc and various joint potions for a couple of months.
    had to go away a little while so its been nearly a year since going gym.
    i started warming up for a chest workout and i kept getting a pinching inside my shoulders,even though i was warming up with an empty olympic bar.
    to be safe i just put on 10kg,but the pinching got sharper so i stopped.

    long story short i need exercises to replace any push movement (bench press,military press etc) i can lift and pull no problems at all.

    i would greatly appreciate any help anyone could offer to train around my problem

  2. #2
    stack_it's Avatar
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    Working around an injury is not the way to go. U need to first heal that injury. Ur rotator cuff is moer than likely not going to heal with rest. If u have medical insurance than get ur doctor to refer u to a physical therapist. What's happening are your rc muscles are underdeveloped causing your rc to turn down and in pinching the muscles and nerves that run through there. I had the exact same problem and after 4 months of pt I'm back in the gym with no pain. If u don't have insurance than go buy some therabands and google rotator cuff excercises.

  3. #3
    BIG_TRUCK is offline Member
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    Use Dumbells for all your pressing exercises.

    Ice after workouts if you feel pain.

    Pinching here and there will happen durning lifts.... Especially if your just getting back in the gym from a long lay off.

    Work the back of your shoulder with rear raises to strengthen the area.

    Like stack it said, Therabands are nice to work with.... But do not do much really.

    Most physical therapists are stupid.... Will just have you do some basic band work , then ice & stim.... Not worth the time even if it is covered by insurance imo.

  4. #4
    stack_it's Avatar
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    Idk if I would say most pt's r stupid. There are reasons they do the things they do. I worked through the pain for over a year trying every different type of excercise I could before going to pt. I would research rotator cuff excercises and start doing those. Then go from there.

  5. #5
    BIG_TRUCK is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by stack_it View Post
    Idk if I would say most pt's r stupid. There are reasons they do the things they do. I worked through the pain for over a year trying every different type of excercise I could before going to pt. I would research rotator cuff excercises and start doing those. Then go from there.
    Most are stupid when it comes to athletes and their needs. They want to rake in the cash from ignorant old people with slight pain, or from stupid parents sending their 8 yr old daughter to them because she fell down and tweaked her knee a little. It's a big joke the things I have seen over the years.

    Now if you could find a PT that works or has worked with a major sports program team in the NFL,NBA,MLB that would be a different story.

  6. #6
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    i live in england where all our medical needs are free,so i can get anything i like dealt with for free.
    im afraid i agree with bigtruck,pts are idiots unless you can afford the £100s an hour ones,which i cant.
    when i was boxing i got a trapped nerve in my lower back and the therapist i saw only seemed to make it worse but like a fool i listened to my coach and kept going only ever got worse and after 10 years i still have occasional trouble with it.
    iv got a couple of friends who have had cortisone but it seems it last anywhere from a week to a couple of months.and i wonder what kind of damage your doing when you cant feel the pain.
    i would rather find exercises and methods that avoid,as much as possible,agrivaiting that area.
    found a link for cuff exercises and it does ease things slightly,so im just gonna do that everyday before anykind of training.

  7. #7
    NathanSummers is offline Banned
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    I messed my rotator cuff when i was 15 but i started doing the exercises i found on the internet and i got from my trainer. Really helped so stay with that after it starts to feel better.

  8. #8
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    I see where ur coming from with that. I was lucky and knew the pt that I went to.

    To the op.... I had a cortisone shot for mine and the pain was back within two weeks. As far as what excercises will not hurt your really just gonna have to experiment. Have u tried cables? Dips and pushups might b something to try also. I really think u should research some rc excercises and try them for a few weeks tho. Also if it's free try to get an MRI and see what it comes back with.

  9. #9
    BIG_TRUCK is offline Member
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    I still can't do dips without pain. Push ups even took a few years before I could do them without any pain.

    BTW, I have had rotator cuff surgery and other things done to my shoulder and arm.

    Like I said earlier, dumbells seem to be the most natural movement on the shoulder for me. I rarely feel pain with them, and when I do feel something I'm usually going pretty heavy.

  10. #10
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    thanks everyone for your help.
    iv found those cuff exercises and i will put them to use.
    big truck im gonna try using dumbells,im gonna start light though cus im still a bit nervous of doing permanent damage.
    one more question.....
    do you think light weight/high rep is enough to maintain.

    i would be happy just to maintain my present physique.

  11. #11
    stack_it's Avatar
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    As long as your diet is strong u should have no problem maintaining and even continuing to grow

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