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Thread: To those who dont know

  1. #41
    Quote Originally Posted by eatrainrest View Post
    ^^ lol
    Eating and mitochondrial Re-education

    ...about ingesting large amounts of carbs immediately after your workout

    "you will be making blood glucose available to the muscle tissue exactly when it needs it th emost...immediately after the workout. these eating habits, along with THE PERFORMANCE OF AS MUCH POSTWORKOUT LOW LEVEL ACTIVITY AS POSSIBLE, WILL AID IN THE MITOCHONDRIAL RE-EDUCATION PROCESS; as the performance of activity forces adipose tissue to release energy thgouh a triggered hormonal response, and it cannot release and store energy at the same time. this means that the primary destination for the newly ingested carbs while performing activity, is the muscles and their mitochondria. hence, you are "force feeding" the muscles while dissalowing fat storage. fairly inactive muscle tissue "receptor sites" will become "re educated" as well through this process. with time, this methodology should result in the participant's ability to perform the same number of reps in the follow up sets in each particular exercise".

    [b]NOW, in regards to the refeed process, i concluded along with spy that free form aminos (bcaa's) would probly be your best bet as it will refeed the muscle tissue and by no introducing any calories (therefore having your body not run off those calories because it will burn what food you put in first before stored fat), and having no insulin spike as well. Muscle Science spoke about a 2 hour window before negative effects occur in protein synthesis. so with this information at hand its definately based on your goals.

    **** Please explain this??? Are you saying eat carbs after your workout? Or are you talking about Protein? Or some other bcaa supplement? Please explain?


  2. #42
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by newbie-screwbie View Post
    Eating and mitochondrial Re-education

    ...about ingesting large amounts of carbs immediately after your workout

    "you will be making blood glucose available to the muscle tissue exactly when it needs it th emost...immediately after the workout. these eating habits, along with THE PERFORMANCE OF AS MUCH POSTWORKOUT LOW LEVEL ACTIVITY AS POSSIBLE, WILL AID IN THE MITOCHONDRIAL RE-EDUCATION PROCESS; as the performance of activity forces adipose tissue to release energy thgouh a triggered hormonal response, and it cannot release and store energy at the same time. this means that the primary destination for the newly ingested carbs while performing activity, is the muscles and their mitochondria. hence, you are "force feeding" the muscles while dissalowing fat storage. fairly inactive muscle tissue "receptor sites" will become "re educated" as well through this process. with time, this methodology should result in the participant's ability to perform the same number of reps in the follow up sets in each particular exercise".

    [b]NOW, in regards to the refeed process, i concluded along with spy that free form aminos (bcaa's) would probly be your best bet as it will refeed the muscle tissue and by no introducing any calories (therefore having your body not run off those calories because it will burn what food you put in first before stored fat), and having no insulin spike as well. Muscle Science spoke about a 2 hour window before negative effects occur in protein synthesis. so with this information at hand its definately based on your goals.

    **** Please explain this??? Are you saying eat carbs after your workout? Or are you talking about Protein? Or some other bcaa supplement? Please explain?

    there are many preferences when it comes to PWO nutrition and this states to refeed BCAA's while doing cardio althogh this is somewhat old of a post and have not used this method of PWO nutrition. stick to what works best for you just be mindful that it is a good idea to have some type of carbohydrate withing a reasonable amount of time after workouts.. of course complete proteins every 3-4 hours anyway...

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