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Thread: FST-7 Log

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    dedic8ed1's Avatar
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    FST-7 Log

    I'm currently 10 weeks into my mock contest prep.Started week FST-7 WEEK 9.I needed to change up the training a bit to spur the body into growth and for overall shock therapy.First week was killer.I did Back on Monday Last 7 sets 30 sec intervals I used the lower lat machine and it proved a good choice.Pump was unreal.Tuesday Chest last 7 sets were bench press machine,worked very well.Wednesday Quads, I was a bit reluctant to go FST-7 with quads and hams I do work for a living and sitting on the edge of my bed biting my lip in pain all night just wouldn't go well for me So I just went really heavy on leg press.For the first time in the 10 weeks of this mock contest prep as a result of the training I decided it was time to take more then 1 day off as my split.So yes the training kicked my butt.But it was a good kind of pain.You can really tell I made some serious progress cause I was very sore and was able to determine that it was from the training and not anything serious.I was crazy inflammed in my right lat so rather then turn to "NSAIDS" "anti infllamatorys" I let the micro tears heal on there own just using ice and heat 3 times a day.It's been studied that all NSAIDS inhibit muscle growth because the muscles grow by adapting to the higher levels of training by healing the micro tears thus becoming bigger and stronger,Taking NSAIDS WILL STOP THIS PROCESS.I tuffed it out and am now taking a well deserved 3 full days off to recover No cardio or anything.Since I will not be training I won't be eating any other carbs then my morning 1/3 cup of cream of wheat.After all I just went 10 weeks without more then 1 day off for my split and I was doing my morning cardio on my off day.On Sunday I'll go back and do FST-7 for Shoulders and Monday Arms.From the results I'm feeling from this style training clearly I don't have the recovery ability to do it every week.If I was on the bean I'm sure I would and defenitly see this style training would be outstanding with those kinds of compounds enhancing recovery So once every 6 weeks I'll shock the body with this training.
    Last edited by dedic8ed1; 05-08-2009 at 04:52 PM.

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