After the end of my workout today, I threw in some bench since I was just jumping around after 1 day off and day before that was cardio. Anyway I did 135lbs-12 reps warm-up, went to 225-12 reps, went to 315lbs for 10 reps which is pretty good for me, so I threw on 2 25lbs for 365lb max and did it twice. This may seem trival to some but 5 yrs down for a car accident, and still recovering and back in high school tore my peck and shoulder on 350, so im pretty proud of myself.. Im shootin for 400lb club haha, i usually do spurts and this is my first in the last 6months.
Anyway thanks to the advice on here and everything alot of you have said, I think I may finally bounce back.
car accident info if you didnt know it about me. 6 staples in the back of the head, 2 weeks hospital with whip lash as well, 2 herniated disks and digenertative disc syndrome now too (since I gained weight after the accident and would allow my back to heal properly)and im 33.