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Thread: What the hell is with this P90x (rant)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    What the hell is with this P90x (rant)

    I know of a guy who stopped going to the gym to try the program. He was looking great and now he's losing way too much size. My girlfriend also bought the program (not that she has done anything with it or will; dam she pisses me off). To me the only good thing about it is for fire starter. Correct me if Im wrong but that program will never build you a great body. Im sure for the general sedentary individual it will do wonders.

    If Im wrong then please let me know.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    As far as bodybuilding goes, its no good.

    But if your looking to cut up, increase endurance and cardio, its pretty good.

  3. #3
    Tigershark's Avatar
    Tigershark is offline "Who wants to be Clark Kent, when you can be Superman."
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    Quote Originally Posted by xlxBigSexyxlx View Post
    As far as bodybuilding goes, its no good.

    But if your looking to cut up, increase endurance and cardio, its pretty good.
    What he said.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    yeh i figured that from what i could yell from the program. I just think it gets more hype then its worth. Then again it doesn't take much for me to lose fat so what the hell do I know anyways.

  5. #5
    "One of the reasons why the P90x is so effective is muscle confusion. The workouts are intense and are designed to work each body part daily..."

    daily? how hard can you possibly be working out? I assume it's a very fast-paced weight-training workout?

    why can't people just stop looking for a quick fix and put in the time at the gym and on the road/treadmill?

    this sounds just like pilates -- a scam!

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by clancywiggum View Post
    "One of the reasons why the P90x is so effective is muscle confusion. The workouts are intense and are designed to work each body part daily..."

    daily? how hard can you possibly be working out? I assume it's a very fast-paced weight-training workout?

    why can't people just stop looking for a quick fix and put in the time at the gym and on the road/treadmill?

    this sounds just like pilates -- a scam!
    they split the workouts so that you aren't doing each muscle group daily.
    it's not a body building work out but it's the best cardio and conditioning i've seen as far as as seen on tv schemes.
    it's lifting weights at a pace faster than normal... in a nutshell.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by (1*) View Post
    they split the workouts so that you aren't doing each muscle group daily.
    it's not a body building work out but it's the best cardio and conditioning i've seen as far as as seen on tv schemes.
    it's lifting weights at a pace faster than normal... in a nutshell.
    yah I agree...

    it's basically garbage. the guy i workout with is all over this program. he likes to incorporate some of it's exercises into his strength routine at the gym...

    but as a result, his bench press has dipped from 235 to 190 in the past 6 weeks

    and i can't notice any difference in BF

    all bullsh*t if you ask me.

  8. #8
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    it is what it is, but its NOT bullshit...
    is it for getting huge and packing on size? not father has been doing the program diligently, and just completed one pass through the entire 57 years old, (he's an average build, no genetic advanatges) he looks better than he has in the 31 years that ive known him....i had been out of the gym for a while when i first saw him, and honestly, i was a bit jealous at some of his results...his shoulders and arms grew dramatically, and he lost a ton of BF....he has ZERO chest however, and its my understanding that there are only various forms of pushups in the program....

    is it a scam? no...its a very difficult program it for everybody? of course not....

  9. #9
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    It's looks good for an out of shape person who is to lazy to go to the gym it will do wonders for them I'm not sure for a guy looking to be big maybe cut up but that's all

  10. #10
    Damn, some of you guys have a very narrow view of what is good and what is bad. It is a very good program for the average person looking to get in better shape. It is not a program for someone trying to build huge freaky muscles, but that doesn't make it a bad program. Remember the average person doesn't want to look like a Mr. Universe contestant and they certainly have no interest in benching more than Ryan Kennelly. They just want to build a little more muscle while getting in better overall physical condition. From what I've seen on the infomercial's, this is not a program for someone too lazy to get to the gym. From what I could tell it looks like a pretty intense workout using some free weights and bodyweight exercises similar to the workouts that some of the MMA fighters use. Bottom line, it isn't for me and it might not be for you, but that doesn't make it bad or worthless to someone else whose training goals are different than mine or yours.
    Last edited by Mastadon; 06-25-2009 at 07:24 AM.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Dirty jersey
    Ok let me change what I said for a person who doesn't like or want to go to a gym but likes the idea of training at home.

    That sounds better that program is cardio and a half I don't think a lazy person would want to do it

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    I bought the p92x workout .
    After I do p90 exercises I do 20 minutes on my bowflex and 5 minutes on the ab roller !

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Toronto, Ontario
    I got the P90X 2 weeks ago....its awsome! I've been training for 9 years plus, mostly weight training. My cardio consisted of jogging, exercise bike and treadmill. The exercises in this program are awsome to burn fat and lean up. After 20 minutes I'm sweating like crazy! It wont get you huge or build size but it will lean you up or help you lose weight. I'm not using the program they way your supposed to, I use it 3 times a week now for my cardio. You will lose size if you stop the weights and just do the program. Its pretty fun though!

  14. #14
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    Im sure its a great program for the general person looking to get in general shape.

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    is is another form of crossfit. only with less equipment needed. it's method is explosive high paced sets with little or no rest in between sets. you can get the workouts for free by checking out the crossfit website. they post the daily workouts. good for general fitness but not for bulking. check out

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    Anytown USA
    I dont like those TV workout deals! if you ask me nothing can beat a good hour in the gym

  17. #17
    i do the ab workout from p90x a couple times a week at home. i get a crazy burn.

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    the dirty
    if you do anything at that intensity for 90 days in a row you will get good results. the problem is that 95% of the population has no idea what to do and no one to tell them how or to hold them accountable. these vids kind of gives you that. its better than wondering around the gym for 2 hrs and doing 10 reps on every machine in there 6 days a week and being in my way. its prob a better workout than most of these no brain needle riders we have in here.

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