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Thread: Dilemma.. Need Advice (Cardio or Lower Adbo?)

  1. #1

    Dilemma.. Need Advice (Cardio or Lower Adbo?)

    Hi all, I've got this problem right now where I'm having a pretty good upper body in progress (mass gain and lean muscle are the goally here), but since I eat like a pig to get mass gain, Im also starting to see some tire forming on the lower belly.

    So my question is.. what would be the best to remove that little belly, without loosing too much muscle..
    -Cardio ?
    -Lower Adbo without cardio ?
    -Lower Abdo and cardio ?

    I wonder what burns first when doing cardio... ? Fat or Muscle ?
    If fat burns before Muscle, I'd go with cardio...
    If muscle burns before, or at same time than fat do, I'd prefer not to cardio then and just do lower Abdo..

    I know many of you've experienced this before while getting Mass Gain goal

    Please give me some good advice on that

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

  3. #3
    Thanks for reply.
    But I'm not fatty... I really need to isolate the lower belly... without compromising my muscular..

    If you could answer some of my previous question (which are very specific), that'd be great Thaanks again.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    you cant isolate where you lose fat buddy.. and i answerd your question specificially

  5. #5
    Ok no offence in this man I just wanna get motivated in doing the proper thing you know..

    What about doing Lower Abs only ? This is an isolation movement which act especially on the lower "belly"..

    Knowing that what I do is the correct thing to do will give me the motivation I need. thats why I ask question.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by SayHelotomylilFriend View Post
    Ok no offence in this man I just wanna get motivated in doing the proper thing you know..

    What about doing Lower Abs only ? This is an isolation movement which act especially on the lower "belly"..

    Knowing that what I do is the correct thing to do will give me the motivation I need. thats why I ask question.
    you also cant isolate lower abs its one muscle group.. no offense taken... i dnt get what answer your looking for. you have abs. under the fat. diet and cardio is what you need to burn fat.

  7. #7
    you also cant isolate lower abs its one muscle group
    Incline Cruch is an isolation of the lower abs.

    And saying that Lower abs will help in removing a belly is a Myth. is that what you're saying?
    Last edited by SayHelotomylilFriend; 06-17-2009 at 10:30 AM.

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