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Thread: Chest Press with Shoulder Injury!

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    In Southern Commiefornia

    Chest Press with Shoulder Injury!

    Hi Guys, i need some input and suggestions here...

    i have injured my right shoulder, but i can still do some chest work without making it worse and without pain. but in order for me to avoid pain and make the injury worse, i have to lift light and with short strokes, i can extend my arms as far as i want but not when it comes down, i can only come down 4"-6" before the bar touches my chest. my question is, is it still affective workout for my chest, if not can you make any recommendations?


  2. #2
    FireGuy's Avatar
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    Only coming down that far is not going to do much for your chest. Suggest sticking with fly type movements for the time being.

  3. #3
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    Flyes are great maybe switched over to dumbbells instead of a bar as well

    I do not know the extent of your injury but when I dislocated my shoulder once before I had issues for a while and doing lots of rotator cuff work really helped strengthen the shoulder back to 100%.

  4. #4
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    thanks guys, unfortunately fly is painful for me. I am doing some dumbbells work and that’s okay as far as pain, so maybe I’ll try to increase my dumbbells workout..

    Thanks Reed, i have been doing rotator cuff exercises along with visiting my chiropractor and its been helping. How long did it take to get back to 100% with your shoulder injury?

  5. #5
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    i would advise you to take time off and or seek medical advice on your shoulder condition.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by eatrainrest View Post
    i would advise you to take time off and or seek medical advice on your shoulder condition.
    yes i did mention that i am going to my chiropractor, his expertise is in bodybuilding injuries, he said i can do lifts but with light weights. my question was about my workout and how effective it is with the limits I’ve noted and if there are any suggestions. thanks for the advice...

  7. #7
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    missed that part lol... sounds like youll have to find out what aggravates it and what doesnt

  8. #8
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    What caused the injury? Flat bench press?

  9. #9
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    I would suggest doing some other exercises or taking time off..same thing happened to me and I recovered about a month ago..unfortunately I developed some arthritis in my right shoulder as well, so now I always have pain on chest day!

  10. #10
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    Get it checked out first and then dumbells will take alot of the strain off your shoulders.

    I had a similiar injury as alot of of have before, but taking it easy for a while and trying to build back up can do wonders. Make sure you stretch and warn-up first to prevent it from getting worse.

    I assume this happened or hurts on FLAT BENCH?


    I had a shoulder injury as mentioned and takes a few months for it to heal... BUT I still take it easy....

  11. #11
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    my injury occurred while doing chest press on a machine, i was pushing 160 pounds on my third set of 6 reps and heard a pop, few days later i couldn't do chest presses.

    Kickinit, i go to my chiropractor two time a months just to make sure things are okay, but are you suggesting x-rays? i had a tennis elbow pain once and they did MRI, X-rays, you name it and couldn't find anything, but my family doctor new what it was and immediately game me a steroid shot, and it was gone for good. Perhaps I should make a visit to my family doctor! thanks for all the responses...

  12. #12
    You can try to by doing this: Use a long towel and start bay grabbing the very ends of it, start with the towel in front of you sand raise your hands above your head and try to take the towel all the way around until its behind you. I would do this standing in front of a mirror. Its really important that you kkep your shoulders down and back, dont shrug and try to keep your hand even with one another throughout the entire motion.

    The guy in this clip is doing it a little fast, take your time with it, it wont be easy at first.

    I had re-constructive shoulder surgery 11 yrs ago and from time to time it flares up on me. I use this stretch everytime my shoulder starts to bother me and it works.

    Good luck bro.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by beatupathelete View Post
    You can try to by doing this: Use a long towel and start bay grabbing the very ends of it, start with the towel in front of you sand raise your hands above your head and try to take the towel all the way around until its behind you. I would do this standing in front of a mirror. Its really important that you kkep your shoulders down and back, dont shrug and try to keep your hand even with one another throughout the entire motion.

    The guy in this clip is doing it a little fast, take your time with it, it wont be easy at first.

    I had re-constructive shoulder surgery 11 yrs ago and from time to time it flares up on me. I use this stretch everytime my shoulder starts to bother me and it works.

    Good luck bro.

    Thanks a million bro...

  14. #14
    Anytime. I would do 20 of them every morning. As it gets easier move your hands closer together. Also keep doing the int/ext rotation exercises for your rotator cuff. Shoulder problems never really go away, we just learn to be smart with them and do all the little extra's that will allow us to keep lifting.

  15. #15
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    thanks again, i am looking forward to try it...

  16. #16
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    do your bench presses on the smith machine!! will take stress off the shoulders and u can focus on using your chest more.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by ray0414 View Post
    do your bench presses on the smith machine!! will take stress off the shoulders and u can focus on using your chest more.
    Thanks Ray, you are absolutely right, if the weights are supported i can press with no pain, but when i have to balance the weights it hurts my shoulder. thanks again for the suggestion.

  18. #18
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    no problem. i had a lil tare in my shoulder last year and i couldnt do chest for about 7 months or so. i was able to strengthen my shoulder and start working chest again by using the smith machine. not only did my shoulder not hurt from using the smith, but at the same time it kickstarted my healing in my shoulder.

  19. #19
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    wow 7 months! that would devastate me, if i go 1 week without lifting i feel like all my prior work goes to waste.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by beatupathelete View Post
    You can try to by doing this: Use a long towel and start bay grabbing the very ends of it, start with the towel in front of you sand raise your hands above your head and try to take the towel all the way around until its behind you. I would do this standing in front of a mirror. Its really important that you kkep your shoulders down and back, dont shrug and try to keep your hand even with one another throughout the entire motion.

    The guy in this clip is doing it a little fast, take your time with it, it wont be easy at first.

    I had re-constructive shoulder surgery 11 yrs ago and from time to time it flares up on me. I use this stretch everytime my shoulder starts to bother me and it works.

    Good luck bro.

    beatupathelete, i just want to thank you, the exercise seems to be helping allot. I only feel some discomfort during lifting, but no pain after lifting, which i did have before i started the exercise. thanks again.

  21. #21 i mention ice..?

  22. #22
    No prob bass. There is another stretch that I do that helps out a lot. I'll try my best to explain it as its kinda funky. Do you know what a half nelson is? Basically u'll got to the cable crossover, make sure the cable is at the highest notch. Attach the D-handle, start with a light weight, grab the D-handle with ur hand on the hurt shoulder side, palm down. turn ur body so that your arm is behind ur back in a half nelson. Hold for a minute. Its a rasl wicked stretch, I dont do a chest/shoulder day without doing it.

    Good luck. I hope I explained this so u understand.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reed View Post
    Flyes are great maybe switched over to dumbbells instead of a bar as well

    I do not know the extent of your injury but when I dislocated my shoulder once before I had issues for a while and doing lots of rotator cuff work really helped strengthen the shoulder back to 100%.
    I am with reed on this one, Barbell kills my shoulder but dumbbells hardly feel it.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reed View Post
    Flyes are great maybe switched over to dumbbells instead of a bar as well

    I do not know the extent of your injury but when I dislocated my shoulder once before I had issues for a while and doing lots of rotator cuff work really helped strengthen the shoulder back to 100%.

    You can try the peck deck that takes some stress of your shoulder I have been using it more.

  25. #25
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    thanks guys, your suggestions have helped.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by bass View Post
    my injury occurred while doing chest press on a machine, i was pushing 160 pounds on my third set of 6 reps and heard a pop, few days later i couldn't do chest presses.

    Kickinit, i go to my chiropractor two time a months just to make sure things are okay, but are you suggesting x-rays? i had a tennis elbow pain once and they did MRI, X-rays, you name it and couldn't find anything, but my family doctor new what it was and immediately game me a steroid shot, and it was gone for good. Perhaps I should make a visit to my family doctor! thanks for all the responses...
    Yeah mostly for the X-ray, plus meds. Never know when you might have gotten a bone spur or something. Good just to make sure.

  27. #27
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    ive got bone spurs on both rotator cuffs creating impingement syndrome. i dont use the straighbar for any pressing movements, dumbbells only nowadays. and i stay away from exercises that directly cause pain in the shoulder.. i dont always get the best workouts, but they are better than no workouts.

  28. #28
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    this warm-up exercise has helped allot, even my 16 year old son is using it and he says that it helps him loosen up. here is the link beatupathelete posted, i do mine with a dog leash, its lighter and not stretchy. i have been doing it for few weeks and the leash keep getting shorter, the best part is when i am done with the workout the pain goes away within 10 minutes or so, where before the pain got worse even few days after.

  29. #29
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    My shoulder was really bad. my left side went when I went too deep on a weighted dip.... My right sice... bad form when lifting too heavy. Sounds exactly the same as what I had. What worked for me... no chest and shoulder work outs for about 10 weeks... Ice... MSM & chrondroiton sulphate supplements... and lots of massage and light stretching. It healed up... but.... I have to lift lighter... No more 1-3 rep range or unchartered territory. It still re-injurs and never 100% goes away.

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