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Thread: my workout

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    australia, melbourne

    Question my workout

    hey guys alot of yous know im on a cycle at the moment and need ur opinions on my workout program
    day 1: chest, triceps, shoulders
    2 sets bench press
    2 sets dips with added weight
    2 sets barbell shoulder press
    1 set sumbell shoulder press
    2 sets bench dips with added weight
    2 sets tricep extensions
    2 sets peck deck
    2 sets lateral raises
    day 2: back, biceps, forearms, traps
    2 sets lat pull down
    1 set chinups
    2 sets shrugs
    2 sets hyper extensions
    2 sets dumbell forearm curls
    2 sets of hammer curls
    day 3: legs, calves, abs
    2 sets machine squat
    2 sets 45 degree leg press
    2 sets leg curls (drop sets)
    2 sets calf raises
    day 4:rest
    day 5: same as day 1
    day 6: back, biceps, traps, forearms
    2 sets dumbell rows
    1 set deadlift
    2 sets shrugs
    2 sets forearm curls
    2 sets of barbell curls
    day 7: same as day 3

    my problem is my biceps are lagging,
    my lats have slowed down dramatically in development
    and my middle back rhombozoids, (dumbell rows) seem to be loosing strength which i think i might be overtraining them
    everything else seems to be going GREAT or hate to say developing to fast
    can anyone make some suggestions?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    how about 5days on 2 days off

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    day 1: chest, triceps, shoulders
    2 sets bench press
    2 sets dips with added weight
    2 sets barbell shoulder press
    1 set sumbell shoulder press
    2 sets bench dips with added weight
    2 sets tricep extensions
    2 sets peck deck
    2 sets lateral raises
    day 2: back, biceps, forearms, traps
    2 sets lat pull down
    1 set chinups
    2 sets shrugs
    2 sets hyper extensions
    2 sets dumbell forearm curls
    2 sets of hammer curls
    day 3: legs, calves, abs
    2 sets machine squat
    2 sets 45 degree leg press
    2 sets leg curls (drop sets)
    2 sets calf raises
    day 4:rest
    day 5: same as day 1
    day 6: back, biceps, traps, forearms
    2 sets dumbell rows
    1 set deadlift
    2 sets shrugs
    2 sets forearm curls
    2 sets of barbell curls
    day 7: same as day 3

    my problem is my biceps are lagging,
    my lats have slowed down dramatically in development
    and my middle back rhombozoids, (dumbell rows) seem to be loosing strength which i think i might be overtraining them
    everything else seems to be going GREAT or hate to say developing to fast
    can anyone make some suggestions?
    I definitely think it's a combination of overtraining and a weak work out plan. Not weak as in lacking just... a bad regiment kind of (sorry, not trying to be rude).

    I would definitely do 5 days on and 2 days off as JBM said however think about the points below;

    Your working too many body parts out together at the same time (i.e. chest, tri, shoulders same WO). Try isolating each part once per week.

    For instance;

    Su - Chest , Tricep
    M - Back
    T - Legs (including calves)
    W - OFF
    Th - Shoulders, Traps
    F - Bicep, Forearms,
    S - OFF

    Point being it gets you more time off to recover and less time overworking muscles or what happens subconsciously is you rush certain workouts to fit in all the muscle groups you planned for. Note: Abs are easy- you can work them out every other day which won't be overworking them IMO and it's easy to just throw it in at the end.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Also - how does your diet look?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Anytown USA
    yeh thats a wierd routine! where ever did you find that routine? Pick up ammagazine and look some oter athletes workout routines and then adjust for you from thee

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    I guess I would ask what are your goals ?

    Bodybuilder and power lifter this would be bad . No time to recover or build strength .

    Over weight person doing high reps , keeping heart rate high with out breaks . Could lose weight . Cardio would be more effective for this .

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    australia, melbourne

    my stats

    my goals are both size and strength
    i am on currnelty dianabol to kik off my cycle
    and im running 500mg test ethanate weekly
    im neally 2 weeks in
    start weight was 87kg, now 90.6kg
    my lifts have improved as such so far
    deadlift 160kg 8 reps, to 180 kg 12 reps
    squat 110kg for 6 reps, to 8 reps 150kg
    calves raises with 45 degree leg press machine, start 200kg 15 reps, now 280kg 15 reps
    bench 85 kg 12 reps, now 95 kg 12 reps
    dumbells shrugs start 48kg each arm, now 58 kg 12 reps

    my lats have stalled at 110kg lat rows
    and rows started at 58kg and sit around their

    other lifts have also gone up

    like i said my back hasnt started developing, and my biceps have stalled with them

    diet contains about 250-300 grams protein
    carbs 500-600 grams
    fats come naturally from clean food sources, tuna, steak, beans, rice, chicken breast
    i dont think its my diet coz im still gaining weight and strength in my lifts
    so i think it is my training
    what do yous think?

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