Ok so heres my story i use to be on this website awhile ago before i joined the army. i was 30% fat 300lbs 6'4 and 18 years old. after 4 months of basic i lost 50lbs then during my 25 days of leave gain 10 back yeah i know not good. But anyways i got stationed in south Korea and have been here for 6months now. the first 3months i was here i wasnt working out as much as i should. but recently i started working out agian. im now 240(cant get below 240 thats one reason im here) and about 20% fat. im in good shape. on my army pt test i run 2 miles in 14:15-14:30 60-65 pushups in 2 mins and 60-65 situps in 2 mins. im in decent shape but i want to be in way better shape then i am now. thats why im here i need advice.
I dont need advice about steroids i just need advice on nutrition and work out programs so i can maximize my workout and loose weight faster. since im in the army and i like to save my money i eat at the mess hall 3 meals aday, but the thing is the mess hall has terrible food. its all HIGH sodium and HIGH carbs. you know they have normal stuff like a meat a carb and a veggie for the mainline then they have a salad bar which has iceberg lettuce and some fruits. the meat changes depending on the day. if they have chicken i get the chicken and i normaly dont get the carb like the patatos or rice they have. and get 2 servings of veggies, but of your course you know its the mess hall and all the veggies are frozen veggies so there terrible. ill try to get a menu for the mess hall one day and post it, but i can tell you what they have for breakfast and you tell me what im going wrong with.
Here is what they have for breakfast that i get normally. I normally get 2 hard boiled eggs sausage patty banana/pear. then from the salad bar i get canned fruits. they never have fresh fruits just canned.(i know its terrible). and 2 cups of skim milk. thats my normal breakfast. then lunch and dinner ill try to get a menu but maybe they will have something online i can find thats close.
now my workout plan is when its a work day 6AM PT. normally i try to run then for a hour but its really not my call its my sgt's. then at like 1500-1700 i go to the gym. i recently started taking redline before i go to the gym because it helps me a get a WAY better work out. and i also take. MEGA MEN performance and vitality vitamins, and isopure whey protein(mainly take this cause theres no carbs let me know what you think about this).
now what im willing to do is only go to the mess hall breakfest and lunch and make myself 2 small meals for right after work and then like 2-3 hours before i go to bed. if you think that would work let me know what you think would be the BEST thing to make for the 2 small meals.
for the how long this is i try to make it as short as possible but say everthing i needed. any advice anything at all would help. thanks